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Russell Crowe Is Darren Aronofsky’s Noah, Filming Begins In July

Deadline has confirmed that Russell Crowe will lead Darren Aronofksy's Noah now that a co-producing deal has been reached through New Regency and Paramount. The film was originally expected to get underway this Fall but has now been moved up with a Summer start date already set.

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Deadline has confirmed that Russell Crowe will lead Darren Aronofksy’s Noah now that a co-producing deal has been reached through New Regency and Paramount. The film was originally expected to get underway this Fall but has now been moved up with a Summer start date already set.

The film has been a passion project of Aronofsky’s for quite some time and now it seems like it will finally come to fruition. The lead role was originally offered to Christian Bale, who passed on it so he could reunite with director Terrence Malick on Knight Of Cups and Lawless.

Michael Fassbender was then in contention for the role of but that fell through due to rumoured schedule conflicts with Steve McQueen’s 12 Years A Slave. Finally, the production was saved as Russell Crowe agreed to take the role in the biblical epic.

It is also rumoured that Liam Nesson will join the film in the role of the lead antagonist, though nothing has been officially confirmed as of yet.

Fans of Aronosfsky, like myself, are very excited to see how Noah turns out as it certainly seems like it’s a little out of left field for the director. Aronofsky has given us films like Black Swan and The Wrestler, which is why Noah has moviegoers very curious. It’s a biblical epic and it doesn’t seem like something that the director would attach himself to. That being said, it is a passion project of his and his unique vision will definitely add something special to the classic story.

Noah is eyeing a late 2013 release.

We will keep you posted on the film as more news surfaces.