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Weekly PlayStation 3 Sales Now Dominating European Market

With Sony determined to stay as tight-lipped as ever about their hardware sales, Nintendo has taken it upon themselves to step up and toot their rival's horn a bit by revealing that the PlayStation 3 has "taken the lead in the video game market in Europe".

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With Sony determined to stay as tight-lipped as ever about their hardware sales, Nintendo has taken it upon themselves to step up and toot their rival’s horn a bit by revealing that the PlayStation 3 has “taken the lead in the video game market in Europe”.

Since the start of 2012 the PlayStation 3 has sold between 100,000 units and 50,000 units on a weekly basis, making it the top-selling console each week except for one close call with the Xbox 360 in week 5.

Coming in second is the 3DS which has sold between 50,000 and 30,000 units weekly, followed closely by the Xbox 360. On a bit of a sad note for Sony, weekly PlayStation Vita sales crashed the week after it launched and now reside somewhere between what the Wii and DS pull in each week. A couple of years ago that would have been a nice place to sit, now… not so much.

Source: Nintendo