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Poster For Unknown Arrives

A couple of weeks ago a trailer (see below), was released for the new Liam Neeson action thriller, Unknown. Now we have a new one sheet for the film (see above), both these promotional items reinforcing the idea that Neeson is in Taken-mode.

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A couple of weeks ago a trailer (see below), was released for the new Liam Neeson action thriller, Unknown. Now we have a new one sheet for the film (see above), both these promotional items reinforcing the idea that Neeson is in Taken-mode.

Meaning Liam’s in a foreign country and angry because the bad foreign guys have stolen something and he’s going to get it back by any means necessary. Unknown finds Neeson as Martin Harris, a man visiting Berlin for a medical conference with his wife Elizabeth. But everything starts to go wrong when they get involved in a car crash. Harris wakes up after four days in a coma only to discover that Elizabeth no longer recognizes him and a stranger has assumed his identity. The only one he can now trust is the cab driver who caused this whole affair.

To be honest it sounds like pretty perfunctory, tab A into slot B stuff. It clearly looks to be taking elements from the Bourne franchise and Cronenberg’s A History of Violence as well as numerous other thrillers. Still, it looks vaguely entertaining and the cast which includes Mad Men‘s January Jones and Diane Kruger is fairly well assembled. So could be pretty good blockbuster material.

Unknown will be released on February 18th, 2011