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Kevin Hart doesn’t know what to do with himself in ‘Me Time’ trailer

A reminder to never leave Hart and Wahlberg to their own devices.

In life, we all grow at different speeds, and sometimes, part of growing means outgrowing friendships, even the ones that you’ve treasured for ages. Kevin Hart may not have grown much in the physical sense, but, if this film trailer is any indication, he’s set to feel the full whiplash of going back to an outgrown friendship when Me Time, the upcoming Netflix comedy film featuring Hart as the protagonist, releases later this year.

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The film follows Kevin Hart’s character Sonny, a stay-at-home family man whose life revolves around his wife (Regina Hall), a perennially busy architect, and his two kids, with whom he exercises his fatherly duties. Despite the concept being alien to him at this point, Sonny suddenly finds himself with time away from his family, when his wife insists on taking the kids on a Spring Break trip by herself to give Sonny the “me time” he deserves.

Enter Huck (Mark Wahlberg), an old friend of Sonny’s who he hasn’t connected with in years on account of conflicting ways of life, who insists that Sonny come and celebrate his birthday with him. Evidently, that involves audacious parties in the middle of nowhere, copious amounts of liquor and strippers, and diving off a cliff in a wing suit. For the comparably meek Sonny, he may have bitten off far more than he can chew, and being the genial family man he is, he did that just for our entertainment.

Me Time will release exclusively to Netflix on Aug. 26.