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Alex Kurtzman And Roberto Orci Talk Star Trek 2

More Star Trek 2 news. Famous writing duo Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci have once again spoken on the film and the writing process they're currently going through for it. It turns out that the duo has finally broken the story, which is a start I guess. Read on to see what they had to say.

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More Star Trek 2 news. Famous writing duo Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci have once again spoken on the film and the writing process they’re currently going through for it. It turns out that the duo has finally broken the story, which is a start I guess. Read on to see what they had to say.

Kurtzman recently talked to Hero Complex and said:

Well, we have broken the story, which is very exciting. I think one of the weird challenges that we’re facing on this one is that in many ways, with the first movie, I don’t think people knew what to expect, so when we were in the writing process, Bob and I really spent our time going to things that we loved about “Trek” and it was a very unfiltered process. It felt intimate and small. There weren’t a lot of voices other than [producer] Damon [Lindelof], J.J. and [executive producer] Bryan Burke. Now, that first movie has come up and did well and everyone wants to know what happens next. We didn’t have that pressure, exactly, on the first one.  That said, part of what we have to do is listen to it all, ask a lot of questions about what people’s expectations are — and then let all of that go when we sit down to write. We need to find our way back to the same kind of vibe that we had when we wrote the first one: What do we want to see here? What moved us about “Trek”? Where can we go from where we left off?

When asked about the possibility of a trilogy, Orci said:

“I don’t know that we’ve ever thought of it in terms of a trilogy…I’m not sure we’re thinking of it as a second act. I can’t speak for everybody on that, though.”

You can read the full interview at Hero Complex. No new information was really given and the film is still being kept under very heavy secrecy. Seeing as filming won’t begin until mid next year, it may be a while before we hear anymore solid information. It’s fine though, let them take their time. Star Trek was a fantastic film and I’m happy to give them all the time they need to ensure the second one will be just as good.

We’ll keep you updated with anymore news.