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What if the Avengers crossed over to Pokémon-land? A stunningly accurate AI generator knows exactly what they’d look like

Given the results, hopefully this is not what the MCU has in store for our mighty heroes.

Marvel Studios

The moment a character from the Marvel comics is announced to join the forever expanding MCU, fans get to work speculating and daydreaming about how comic book-accurate their depiction will be for their screen adaptations, especially if it is a future Avenger. But life can get a little lame if we stick to what is predictable. So, imagine the impossible — what if another destructive ripple in the multiversal fabric catapults the Avengers into the Pokémon universe and they get turned into the titular creatures? What would they look like?

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How would Hulk’s monstrous frame transition to that of a Pokémon? Would Thor retain his dashing looks in his Asgardian get-up? No worries, we didn’t raise this question with the intention of sending you down a spiraling rabbit hole of mind-numbing speculation. Thankfully, a new AI generator has been grabbing attention lately by turning people — both real and fictional — into Pokémon with surprising accuracy.

So, we decided to pitch in the OG Avengers as well as other MCU mainstays in its system and surprisingly, ended up with hilariously accurate results. 

Captain America

Captain America
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Someone seems to be channeling their inner “grumpy Hulk.” We can almost hear him say, “I can do this all day” and then stomping off to a corner to sit and sulk.


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Had Bruce Banner seen the Pokémon version of his inner green beast, he wouldn’t be so terrified of him.

Black Widow

Black Widow
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Apparently, even turning into a Pokémon does little to dampen Black Widow’s badass presence. 

Iron Man

Iron Man
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Call us biased but we think even though this Iron Man looks like the best he can do is chuck Lego pieces at us, we would still love him 3000!


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Let’s just leave it at how the ladies in Omnipotence City won’t be fainting if Zeus “flicked” this Thor.


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Apparently, Barton is stuck as the least popular Avenger as a Pokémon as well, as evidently even the AI generator devoted the least effort to his transformation. 

Well, these were the Avengers with whom the MCU kickstarted its journey. But since, many new names have joined the MCU, not to mention the many villains who have terrorized its inhabitants. So, in order to not be partial to these equally enticing characters — and also because playing with this AI generator is too much fun — here is a look at other Marvel characters as Pokémon. 

Black Panther

Black Panther
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Scarlet Witch 

Scarlet Witch
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Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange
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Avengers would have found it hard to take this Thanos, who looks like a kid playing dress-up, and his threats of destroying half the Universe seriously.

Captain Marvel or should we say Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?

Captain Marvel
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Even though we are still trying to catch our breath and wiping tears, we are nowhere near done throwing names in the AI generator. It doesn’t even have to be just Marvel characters — the possibilities are endless! You can pitch in anything from Annabelle to the latest star of disturbing scandals, Adam Levine. There is no limit.