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New Pics And TV Spot For The Dark Knight Rises

Don't worry folks, we know that there hasn't been enough promotional material for The Dark Knight Rises yet. That's why we have some more for you today and it comes in the form of pictures and yes, yet another new TV spot.

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Don’t worry folks, we know that there hasn’t been enough promotional material for The Dark Knight Rises yet. That’s why we have some more for you today and it comes in the form of pictures and yes, yet another new TV spot.

First up, we have some scans fromĀ The Dark Knight Rises: The Secret Files Scrapbook, which hit bookstores this week. The book acts as a fanguide of sorts to Gotham and it provides new shots of some of the key characters in the film. We get a look at Bane (Tom Hardy), Catwoman (Anne Hathaway), Miranda Tate (Marion Cotillard) and John Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt). They don’t show off too much but hey, we’ll take what we can get.

In addition to the pics, we have a new TV spot, which once again, doesn’t show off too much but does remind you to pick up your advanced tickets this Monday (June 11th). Though it’s not like you don’t already have it marked down in your calendar, right?

Anyways, check out the pics and the new TV spot below and give us another couple hours or so and we’ll likely have some more Dark Knight Rises material up, Warner Bros. doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.