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10 times Robbie Coltrane made Hagrid our favorite character in the ‘Harry Potter’ films

In memory of the legend who will live on in our memories.

Hagrid and Harry Potter
Image via Warner Bros. Pictures

Ever since we first saw him arrive in style on his flying motorcycle, Hagrid has been one of our favorite Harry Potter characters — a fact that hasn’t changed to date. Sadly, Robbie Coltrane, the legendary actor who brought Hagrid to life for a generation of Harry Potter fans, has, unfortunately, passed away at the age of 72. But fans of the star know that his presence, especially as the gigantic, soft-hearted, and courageous groundskeeper of Hogwarts, will live on for years to come.

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As the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts, Hagrid touched the hearts of Wizarding World fans. For many of us, Hagrid was our first introduction to the world of magic and the half-giant with a big heart of gold has taught us countless lessons throughout the years. So, here we are, celebrating the actor’s incredible life by listing the ten best Hagrid moments from the Harry Potter films.

“Yer a wizard, Harry.”

When Hagrid broke down the door to the sad little shack the Dursleys were staying in, we knew that the man was larger than life. The Dursleys had dragged Harry as far away from their home as possible in order to escape his very persistent Hogwarts acceptance letters. But Vernon and Petunia didn’t know the groundskeeper nor were they aware of his limitless tenacity as Hagrid made sure to deliver Harry’s acceptance in person, saying one of the most memorable lines in the franchise that changed Harry’s life and our lives forever.

Hagrid’s undying love for dragons

Hagrid’s love of dragons is well-documented throughout the Harry Potter films. In the Sorcerer’s Stone, he even hatches his own dragon egg and nearly burns his home down. Even though it is impossible to turn dragons into domestic pets in the Harry Potter universe, Hagrid maintains that the creatures are just misunderstood and consistently seeks them out throughout the series.

We all know how upon learning what the first task in the Triwizard Tournament is, he didn’t hesitate to bend the rules to inform Harry. But while our young hero was visibly scared, Hagrid was living his dream. Who remembers the awed look on his face as he looked on at the dragon keepers struggling to control the mighty beast?

Gifting Hedwig to Harry

Hagrid introduces Harry to the Wizarding World and brings him to Diagon Alley to shop for his first year at Hogwarts. Harry is enamored with magical pets but specifically intrigued by owls when Hagrid tells him how useful they are. While Harry is at Ollivander’s to get his wand, Hagrid wastes no time buying Harry his own pet owl. Even on such an eventful day, Hagrid didn’t forget Harry’s birthday and gifted Harry with one of his best companions in the series. We love Hedwig and we undoubtedly love this Hagrid moment (this specific moment in the clip starts is at 3:57 and is time-stamped for your convenience!)

Hagrid as the professor

Despite never getting the chance to complete his education, Dumbledore makes Hagrid a professor in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. He begins teaching Care of Magical Creatures to Harry and his classmates and we can think of no better subject suited for the groundskeeper. What makes Hagrid such a lovable character is his selfless love for creatures who are massively villainized by the world.

One of his best moments as an educator is when he introduces the class to Buckbeak, the Hippogriff everyone is scared of. Hagrid shows how much he appreciates the more intimidating magical creatures of the Wizarding World and teaches his students the crucial lesson of how to be compassionate and kind.

Hagrid and his step-brother, Grawp

Hagrid has proven that he has a huge heart, not only for magical creatures but also for the people he cares about. Nothing showcases this trait more than Hagrid’s love for his half-brother, Grawp. Though he never got to meet Grawp growing up and he was probably one of the many reasons Hagrid’s mother never came back to meet him, he seeks to help Grawp even if it means risking his job at Hogwarts.

It is evident his friends don’t quite understand why he is willing to put his neck on the line for the giant, they are aware that Hagrid’s love for others is a gigantic part of the man himself.

“I should not have said that.”

As Hogwart’s groundskeeper and Dumbledore’s close friend, Hagrid knows many secrets about the castle. Unfortunately, he’s not always great at keeping those secrets. In one such moment, when Harry loops him up in a conversation about his doubts about Snape, Hagrid accidentally divulges more than he means to about the three-headed dog Fluffy, who is guarding the priceless and highly powerful Sorcerer’s stone. And he doesn’t stop there as he accidentally spills Nicholas Flamel, the famed alchemist’s name as well before he realizes his mistake. Oh, Hagrid, you lovable goof.

Hagrid carrying Harry

In one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the franchise, Hagrid gently carries Harry back to the castle during the Battle of Hogwarts believing that he died when Voldemort hit him with the Killing Curse. Hagrid does not realize Harry is still alive and the raw emotion on his face has made even the most stoic of fans tear up.

Hagrid’s love for Fang

A big part of the groundskeeper’s personality was his passion and love for magical creatures, which includes Fang. Hagrid is rarely seen without his trusty canine companion. Fang might look the part of a big, drooling beast but he is all bark and no bite. The dog is shown to be a big softy and is often affectionate towards Harry and his friends. Hagrid has always shown that he puts the well-being of others before himself and it was evident that the list also includes his beloved dog. Even when he was about to be taken away to the scary prison, Azkaban, the only thoughts on his mind are to help his friends and ensure that Fang is fed in his absence.

Holding a funeral for Aragog

Although this scene is played for laughs, we respect Hagrid’s love for his giant spider pal Aragog. Harry and Aragog didn’t see eye to eye when they met in The Chamber of Secrets but Hagrid always had a special place in his heart for the Acromantula. Hagrid once again proved how open-minded he is when it comes to making friends with the outcasts of the Wizarding World while the likes of Horace Slughorn only see them as means of earning profit.

“There’s no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid.”

Hagrid’s return from Azkaban is one of the most touching scenes in the Harry Potter films. When the Hogwarts groundskeeper walks through the doors of the Great Hall, we can’t help but get emotional. One of our favorite things about Hagrid is his willingness to express his emotions and we love how easy it is for him to openly cry and embrace others. This scene feels especially poignant today and we have to agree that Hogwarts isn’t the same without Hagrid and it never will be.

Robbie Coltrane’s portrayal of Hagrid will be remembered for decades to come. His turn as the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts will remain the most magical part of Harry Potter fans’ memories.