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The King Charles eggman has hilarious bail conditions

Patrick Thelwell, the student who threw eggs at King Charles, was released from custody last night and one of his bail conditions is quite "amusing"

King Charles III waves as he departs a reception at Bradford City Hall during an official visit to Yorkshire on November 08, 2022 in Bradford, England.
Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Yesterday, 23-year-old student Patrick Thelwell was arrested for throwing eggs at King Charles and Queen Consort Camila. Today, his bail conditions were revealed and it’s almost comical.

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The real story should’ve been how horribly badly Thelwell missed his target, aiming for King Charles‘ face and, despite being just several feet away from him, missing completely with every toss. Thelwell won’t be trying out as a quarterback for any NFL team in the near future, though he can probably run a Matt Canada offense.

Thelwell spoke to The Mirror today and discussed the situation as well as what he thinks of his bail conditions, telling them how is safer in the hands of police as the crowd that attacked him afterward who kindly told him his head should be on spike. “They were literally and screaming and wailing with pure rage. They were ripping chunks of my hair out, they were spitting at me. People lost their minds.”

Patrick, who calls himself anti-fascist and claims to be raising awareness over climate change, explains, “I did what I did because I don’t believe in Kings. I believe in the equality of all people.”

Authorities released the egg-pelter from custody at 10pm last night and referred to his bail conditions as “amusing.”

Of course, he is not allowed within 500 meters of the King but, as if to disarm him, he has also been banned from carrying eggs in public. Furthermore, and perhaps even more amusing, to be sensitive towards the fact that he may need to buy eggs while grocery shopping, the ban actually allows for him to leave a grocery store and head home with eggs in his possession.

Patrick added that he’s being charged with a section 4 public order offense and that he’s due in court on Dec. 1. It’s unclear if he will bring eggs with him from the grocery store.