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New Photo And Details On Successor To Limbo

Does that little guy up above look a tad bit familiar? The shadowy figure, calm demeanor, almost indifference to whatever is happening around him. Throw in a rainy exterior and some morbid activity (dragging a corpse, say), and it seems fair to say that we're finally seeing our first look at Playdead's follow-up to the critically acclaimed and much loved Limbo, the little indie darling that could.

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Does that little guy up above look a tad bit familiar? The shadowy figure, calm demeanor, almost indifference to whatever is happening around him. Throw in a rainy exterior and some morbid activity (dragging a corpse, say), and it seems fair to say that we’re finally seeing our first look at Playdead‘s follow-up to the critically acclaimed and much loved Limbo, the little indie darling that could.

According to some information dug up by superannuation, the new details on Playdead’s newest game were found stuffed into a listing of Danish interactive grant receivers. Given the working title “Project 2” and a projected release on Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Mac, Playdead has previously stated that they plan to spend at least three and a half years developing the game, meaning that an early 2014 release is our most hopeful guess.

Described as “a boy’s struggle against evil forces trying to take over the world through questionable experiments on human bodies,” the plot sounds more existent than it did in Limbo. This lack of subtlety could bring in both praise and criticism, although of course only time will tell how the story shapes up. Similar to Limbo, “Project 2” is a 2D platformer that takes place in a 3D world, although there will be color this time around.

As exciting as this news is, this is only the tip of the iceberg that is the highly anticipated follow-up (and hopefully spiritual successor) to an indie experiment that paid off extremely well.

We’ll keep you updated as more information is released, and until then let us know how you think “Project 2” will shape up in the comments below!