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Rapper Common ‘slut shamed’ on Twitter for relationship with Elmo

Fans have jokes on Common because of his plentiful dating experience and they just keep rolling.

Common attends the 2022 Second Stage Fall Gala at 583 Park Avenue on October 17, 2022 in New York City.
Jason Mendez/Getty Images

If a woman dates multiple men, she turns heads. Women whisper shameful rumors while men want to be next, all while everyone is calling her a slut. Let a man date multiple women and the thinking is very different. Is he a stud or is he a slut too?

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One fan of the rapper Common has brought that issue to a Twitter shame fest that is producing so much gold that it might have to be kept safe at Fort Knox.

It’s just a shame that Elmo was thrown into the mix.

It’s true that Common has made himself around Celebrityville as he dated Erykah Badu, Angela Rye, Tiffany Haddish, and Serena Williams just to name a few. His dating attention span seems to range between one and three years. If he was a lady, he’d be getting slut shamed about right now but Elmo? Look at Elmo all innocent and everything? What’s he doing up there?

Because of the fact that fans have never heard any of Common’s dates complaining, this joke has teeth. The problem is that innocent little Elmo is not so innocent anymore. No one woke up this morning asking to have the image of a Common and Elmo hookup put in their head.

When one Sesame Street character falls, they all fall. Now, fans have Big Bird walking in on the two of them. Didn’t they lock the door? Didn’t they know that’s what locks are for?

Elmo does have a good case. Just because two people are in a picture together, that doesn’t mean that there is something going on between them. That’s how fast people are to jump to conclusions. Elmo and Common might be just keeping it platonic.


As his dating history keeps climbing, fans keep speculating who’s going to be next. If he makes his way around the celebrity world, he’ll be living up to his name.

Of course, some fans are taking the joke to a debate and throwing up facts to support that Common is a decent dater. He never cheated that anyone knew of and he wasn’t a playa. He was in a serious relationship with each one of them one at a time.

Of course, that is the point. If a female dates like that, she gets slut shamed. It doesn’t matter if she dates each guy for a year or two, breaks it off clean, and then starts dating someone else. That’s the whole point of this little exercise.