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George Takei channels the spirit of Greta Thunberg to incinerate Tate, Trump, and DeSantis all at once

As Sulu would say; "Oh, myyyyyyy...."

george takei
Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Asia Society Southern California

When you think of George Takei, the words “internet badass” probably wouldn’t be the first ones to come to mind, but maybe they should be.

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After all, the Star Trek legend has become an online folk hero of sorts for his wholesomely no-nonsense approach to things that don’t sit right with him in modern society, with his latest act of keyboard-pounding vengeance finding him incinerating three of his favorite targets all at once.

Channeling the spirit of Greta Thunberg, who secured her own spot in the Twitter hall of fame for utterly and completely destroying Andrew Tate twice in quick succession – culminating in the self-styled misogynist being detained on human trafficking charges, no less – Takei has also placed Home Alone 2 star Donald Trump’s son Donald Jr. and California governor Ron DeSantis in his sights.

In nothing but a few short words, the 85 year-old legend has made his feelings perfectly clear, and you don’t need to be an expert on the human anatomy to fully understand the point he’s made crystal clear.

In the famous words of Mr. Sulu himself; Oh my. That’s about as spicy as it gets, and entirely fitting when it fits perfectly with Thunberg’s impeccable use of “small dick energy” turning Tate into an even bigger figure of fun than usual among the meme-happy social media masses.

We’d have never expected Takei to become a bastion of savagery in the online sphere, but we’re entirely on board with it, and long may it continue if he’s dishing out sick burns like this.