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Kevin Feige spied his MODOK star from across the street and figured out the method for an MCU return

The giant floating head of bad CGI.

Much anticipated MODOK looks set to be the most divisive part of 'Ant-Man 3'
Image via Marvel Studios

Now that Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania has come and gone, we’re getting more and more inside info about how it was made, and not all of it good. Now we’re getting some more information about one of the more peculiar characters that made their MCU debut: MODOK, or Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, aka the coolest name ever.

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MODOK was never going to be an easy character to seriously portray in a Marvel movie. He’s a huge head and well, mostly just a huge head. Bless them, they tried.

Regardless of all that, there’s a little bit of a story as to how we got Darren Cross (Corey Stoll) in the role. The last time we saw Cross was in 2015 when Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) shrank him down to subatomic size. As far as Stoll was concerned, that was the end of it. He had no idea he was coming back, except for a very brief run-in with MCU head Kevin Feige on the red carpet.

“There was this funny interaction with Kevin Feige on the red carpet for the original movie, and he said, ‘You know, I saw you walking in my neighborhood in L.A. yesterday and I realized how we could bring you back.’ And then he got swept away by press and I had to continue going down the red carpet, and I was like, ‘Cool!’ And then we never got to finish that conversation. So I don’t know if this was what he had in mind or not.”

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is in theaters now.