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Half a decade on, and MCU fans still have a bone to pick about that man getting a shield

It's certainly an interesting take.

Captain America
Image via Marvel Studios

A very odd criticism is distracting MCU fans from the diminishing state of their favorite franchise, thanks to one fan’s highly-specific beef.

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There are plenty of plot holes and minor issues to take aim at in the MCU, but one Reddit user’s source of vexation doesn’t have much support behind it. Despite this, user Parody5Gaming tried hard to make their very, very lukewarm take incite some attention on the Marvel Studios sub, where they were instead granted nothing but some very sarcastic responses.

The basic premise of Parody5Gaming’s complaint is reasonable, as it seems to lean on the lack of Steve Rogers‘ iconic shield in Infinity War. The remainder of their objection takes aim at Cap’s replacement, however, which they call “terribly ineffective” and a “dull piece of metal.”

The buckler wielded by Cap in Infinity War is far from “ineffective,” as the character proves at several points through the movie, and is also made of vibranium, so very much not a “dull piece of metal.” Jokes about the famously-sturdy metal — second only to adamantium in the MCU — quickly drenched the post’s comment section, as people poked holes in the original poster’s very flimsy logic.

Notes that “Wakanda is known for many things. Dull metal isn’t one of them,” and pointing out that, by Parody5Gaming’s logic, Cap’s real shield would also be “dull” soon overwhelmed all of the original poster’s complaints, and proved their point universally unpopular among readers.

When their attempted complaint about the “dullness” of one of the MCU’s strongest metals failed, Parody5Gaming attempted to switch tactics, and instead whine about the length of the bladed tip of his buckler. These, too, fell far short for readers, who took the poster to task for apparently forgetting the plot of the same movie they were referencing. They pointed out that Cap makes excellent use of the pointed shield over the course of Infinity War, skewering a number of aliens with his “ineffective” weapon.

The post did lead to some delightfully sarcastic commentary from readers, which mostly makes it worth perusing through. Just don’t put any weight on Parody5Gaming’s uniquely poor grasp of the MCU.