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After igniting a rumor entirely of his own making, James Gunn dumps a bucket of cold water all over it

That's what happens when fans latch onto your every word.

Photo via Warner Bros.

As the co-CEO of DC Studios – who also happens to be a regular presence on social media when it comes to addressing, debunking, or merely teasing the superhero franchise’s upcoming slate of projects – ever single keystroke James Gunn commits to the internet is going to be heavily scrutinized.

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True to form, that’s exactly what happened no more than a few hours ago, when the online sphere suddenly exploded in excitement at the prospect of Wonder Woman headlining her own animated feature or episodic series. Gunn has already confirmed that animation will be integral to the interconnectivity of the shared universe moving forward, so putting Diana Prince front-and-center in a project of her own reads as a no-brainer on paper.

However, it didn’t take long before The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker creator was forced to come rushing online with a big bucket of cold water, which he immediately dumped over the flames by reiterating that his plans to give the Amazonian icon an increased presence in the animated sector of the DCU doesn’t necessarily mean a headline project is actively in the works at this moment in time.

Gunn has confirmed that the plan is to make a point of folding Wonder Woman into more of the company’s animated output, but he stopped short of outright confirming or admitting that such an endeavor is currently underway. That being said, if it’s one of the first things he mentioned to the department upon assuming command of the DCU’s new direction, then don’t be surprised if a two-dimensional take on the Themyscira native ends up as part of Chapter 1 – Gods & Monster’s next wave of announcements.