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Notorious ‘The Room’ creator Tommy Wiseau finally reveals his next big film

And it looks every bit as... interesting as his first film.

Tommy Wiseau
Image via Axelle/Bauer-Griffin / Getty Images

Remember that extremely weird movie The Room from the early 2000’s, with weird and jarringly edited dialogue with some guy walking around and constantly asking everyone about their sex life? Well, its star and director Tommy Wiseau is releasing a feature film for the first time since that fateful film with a cult following. It’s called Big Shark, and the title tells you all you need to know.

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The enigmatic and quirky director has debuted the first trailer for his second feature film, which sees a group of three firefighters working together to save New Orleans from a giant shark that is somehow rampaging through the streets of the city. The trailer was first debuted by Variety, and it looks every bit as… interesting as The Room. 

Between an absolute bombardment of trailer text plastered all over the city, we can see glimpses of the titular shark on its war path, as well as a few shots of a group of people boxing. The back half of the above trailer also features a plug for Tommy Wiseau’s underwear line, because, well, we don’t know. Why not? 

The trailer has reportedly been shown to audiences at various screenings of The Room in recent months, but today marks its public debut. The film is also releasing sooner than we think, with Big Shark set to debut on April 2 at Cinema 21 in Portland, Oregon. 

It seems then, that Wiseau is about to be a busy man. He’s got a new movie coming out, and he’s been trying to get James Gunn into his DMs about landing a role in the DCU, but it remains to be seen whether or not anything pans out from that. We do have a few ideas on who he could hypothetically play in that franchise, though.