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Putting politics to one side, Stormy Daniels offers a bounty to anyone who can prove her husband did gay porn

The Stormy Daniels discourse takes a wildly unexpected turn.

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 16: Adult film actress Stormy Daniels (Stephanie Clifford) speaks to reporters as she exits the United States District Court Southern District of New York for a hearing related to Michael Cohen, President Trump's longtime personal attorney and confidante, April 16, 2018 in New York City. Cohen and lawyers representing President Trump are asking the court to block Justice Department officials from reading documents and materials related to Cohen's relationship with President Trump that they believe should be protected by attorney-client privilege. Officials with the FBI, armed with a search warrant, raided Cohen's office and two private residences last week.
Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images

To say there’s never a dull moment in the life of Stormy Daniels would be the understatement of the year, given that the porn star has been in the headlines every single day since her one-time fling Donald Trump was formally indicted.

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Even so, she’s been giving as good as she gets on social media, regardless of how hard and fast the trolls keep coming at her. Things have taken another unexpected turn after her husband was brought into the mix, but technically it’s fair game when Daniels recently compared Melania Trump to a household pet.

However, the bizarre left turn found the adult entertainment veteran offering a cash prize to anyone who could offer irrefutable proof that her spouse had taken part in gay porn. While it’s fairly standard practice for the industry to feature bisexual performers who share the screen with male and female scene partners, Daniels isn’t having any of it.

Now we’re plunged into the concerning situation where internet sleuths – many of whom may be wearing MAGA hats at the time – will actively go trawling through the smutty archives in order to find proof that Barrett Blade has done at least one gay porno movie, which they’ll use as evidence to collect a thousand dollars from his wife.

We are so far through the looking glass that it’s beyond belief, but the most concerning thing is that this is pretty much just another day for Stormy Daniels, and we’re a long way away from even contemplating approaching the finish line.