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The Hobbit And Pacific Rim Get Comic-Con Posters

Though they must be terribly busy pumping out the promotional material for The Dark Knight Rises, Warner Bros. has taken a minute to shift their focus and give us a new poster for two of their other big blockbusters that we'll be seeing this year, Pacific Rim and The Hobbit.

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Though they must be terribly busy pumping out the promotional material for The Dark Knight Rises, Warner Bros. has taken a minute to shift their focus and give us a new poster for two of their other big blockbusters that we’ll be seeing this year, Pacific Rim and The Hobbit.

The recently wrapped Hobbit, which just underwent an exhaustive 266 days of principal photography, is hoping to have a big showing at this year’s Comic-Con. The film has a lot to live up to, seeing as it’s a prequel to one of the greatest fantasy films of all time, The Lord Of The Rings.

That being said, with director Peter Jackson back behind the camera, and most of the cast and crew returning, I really don’t think there’s anything to worry about with this one, aside from perhaps the 48fps issue.

As for Pacific Rim, though expectations aren’t quite as high, director Guillermo Del Toro likely has something very special cooked up for us with his big budget sci-fi film. We’ve seen a couple stills but no trailer as of yet. Hopes are high that we’ll see one coming out of Comic-Con, but nothing is certain.

The studio seems to be banking on the film quite a bit, which is surprising given that it’s a film headlined by names like Idris Elba and Charlie Hunnam. Don’t get me wrong, they’re both great actors, but not A-listers.

With Comic-Con just around the corner, I’m getting very excited. I’m looking forward to seeing more on both The Hobbit and Pacific Rim as well as the numerous other films that will be featured.

What will 2012’s Comic-Con hold in store for us? Wait a few more days and you’ll find out.