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Latest Sci-Fi News: MCU fans pine for an under-utilized villain as the ‘Star Wars’ fandom finally turns on Anakin Skywalker

Does Darth Vader even deserve a redemption?

Darth Vader in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Photo via Lucasfilm

The ever-expanding Star Wars universe continues to dominate the sci-fi sphere, as fans prep themselves for fresh releases and finally settle in to properly enjoy The Mandalorian’s third season. 

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It’s been two decades since the final entry in his dedicated origin story hit theaters, but it seems time is not enough to settle the Anakin Skywalker debate. The iconic Star Wars villain once again cropped up in conversations recently, after a fan proclaimed him utterly unredeemable. It seems years of slaughtering his way across the Empire as Darth Vader may have finally caught up to him.

The quintessential sci-fi villain serves as the blueprint for many of cinema’s most popular bad guys, but it seems the MCU may have missed the memo. The cinematic universe has introduced plenty of breathtaking villains across its slew of releases, but one never got the shot he deserved — at least in the eyes of fans. As this character was abandoned far too soon, so the franchise could shift focus to fresh inclusions, some fans are still praying for this underutilized staple of the Doctor Strange films to make a return. 

The MCU, like the Star Wars universe, has hit plenty of snags over the years, and its films are starting to grow predictable. As fans look ahead to the year’s upcoming releases and find themselves anticipating more of the same, they’re taking a moment to appreciate the franchise’s most unexpected moments. They don’t happen nearly often enough — especially these days — but the cinematic universe has shocked audiences on more than one occasion, and we’d love to see it lean far more on those unpredictable inclusions, rather than deliver the same tired superhero story with each fresh release.

MCU fans pine for the lost days of major plot twists

RDJ as Iron Man in Avengers: Endgame
Image via Marvel Studios

The last few MCU releases haven’t quite hit the heights of their predecessors, leaving fans with diminishing faith in the cinematic franchise. While hopes are high for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and The Marvels, some audience members are convinced the franchise’s best days are behind it.

The most recent slate of releases hasn’t painted the franchise in the best light, and they certainly haven’t served up many surprises. But that’s not to say the franchise as a whole doesn’t have plenty of unexpected additions, a fact fans recently pointed out in a detailed conversation online. Shocking reveals like Thanos’ big win and several major character deaths continue to astonish audiences, and we’re hoping the MCU isn’t done with these startling rug-pull moments. 

Hope reignites for an MCU villain to get the return he deserves

mordo doctor strange 2
Image via Marvel Studios

Several MCU releases have seemingly prepped themselves for major future developments, only to ditch tantalizing storylines and venture down completely new paths. Doctor Strange is among them, after the franchise’s first film introduced audiences to Mordo, only to largely abandon what appeared to be a tantalizing villain arc

The character’s return in Multiverse of Madness briefly reignited interest in his future, only to disappoint when his bare role in the Doctor Strange sequel was revealed. Now, fans are praying to see his story finally pay off, after years of being under-utilized by the cinematic universe. Maybe the future will finally see Chiwetel Ejiofor’s Karl Mordo get the attention he deserves. 

Star Wars fans push back on Anakin’s redemption

Anakin Skywalker
Image via Lucasfilm Ltd.

Anakin Skywalker — or, more accurately, Darth Vader — is one of the most iconic villains of all time. His motivations, history, and stint as the galaxy’s most capable killer have been extensively explored across Star Wars releases, but some fans don’t think he deserves to be redeemed. After everything he did as Vader — from slaughtering Younglings to his betrayal of the Order and hunting down surviving Jedi — there are some fans who see nothing worth saving in Anakin.