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Justin Timberlake, Halle Berry, Viola Davis, and more rally fans to support Ralph Yarl’s family after tragic shooting

His fault? He accidentally rang the wrong doorbell while looking for his younger brothers.


Warning: The article contains sensitive mentions of physical assault including gun violence that might be distressing to some readers. Please proceed with caution.

On the evening of Thursday, April 13, a 16-year-old named Ralph Paul Yarl was on his way to pick up his siblings from the home of a neighbor when he rang a doorbell on the wrong street. Upon seeing that the door was opening, Yarl was met by an armed man who proceeded to shoot him twice, once in the head and another after Yarl had already fallen to the ground.  

When the news story broke, people around the country were heartbroken, and many celebrities and political figures took to social media to demand justice for Yarl. Powerhouses like Viola Davis, Halle Berry, Justin Timberlake, Zoe Saldana, and more have shared Yarl’s story — and his name — in an attempt to allow space for their fans to help support Yarl and his family in any way possible.

A GoFundMe for Yarl describes him as a motivated and “fantastic” kid with his sights set high on a beautiful and whole life surrounded by his passions and loved ones.

“Last summer, Ralph attended Missouri Scholar’s Academy, where he got a full college life experience. His goal is to attend Texas A&M to major in chemical Engineering. When asked how he plans to get into this university, he said, ‘Well, if they have a scholarship for music or academics, I know I can get it.'”

The fundraiser has almost reached its goal of 1,500,000 and was only created a day ago. Faith Spoonmoore, Yarl’s aunt, set up the page and says that her family is blessed that he survived the shooting and that the chance for a future for Yarl still exists.

“Life looks a lot different right now. Even though he is doing well physically, he has a long road ahead mentally and emotionally. The trauma that he has to endure and survive is unimaginable. He is our miracle. We have heard these types of stories many times, and unfortunately, most black boys are not alive to get another chance.”

Attorney Ben Crump shares the sentiment that we’re all thinking — swift and just action must be taken against the person who shot Yarl for simply ringing a doorbell. The law states that the maximum hold without charges is 24 hours, which is why the shooter was released. Still, Yarl’s family is being promised that the case is being properly investigated. Police Chief Stacey Graves has also shared (via NBC News) that once the required evidence is collected suspects are often arrested again.

While the shooter’s identity is yet to be confirmed, Crump says that the homeowner profiled Yarl and notes that the racial dynamic of the situation cannot be ignored.

NBC News also shared the following quote from Mayor Quinton Lucas, promising that an investigation is underway.

“We will make sure we do all we can to be fair, to make sure we’re as expeditious as possible and more than anything to make sure that everyone, no matter their background, knows that justice can be obtained here in Kansas City.”

He continued by saying that he’s been in touch with Yarl’s family as well and understands what they are going through.

“My heart goes out to the victim of this shooting, the victim’s family, my heart goes out to everyone impacted.”

Viola Davis shared a cartoon drawing of the heartbreaking situation, putting it in simple terms so that no one could dispute the unfair tragedy Yarl is experiencing for trying to pick up his siblings after a play date.

When police arrived at the scene, Yarl was lying in the street surrounded by neighbors, as reported by CNN, and Spoonmore says that the young teenager had to knock on three homes before anyone offered him help.

Justin Timberlake took to his social channels to urge his followers to contact Prosecutor Zachary Thompson to bring charges against Yarl’s shooter. He also shared an image of Yarl with his instrument. Yarl is “a section leader in the marching band and one of the top base clarinet players in Missouri,” and his academics and music are very important to him.


Halle Berry made a similar plea to her followers, stating that she is sick and tired of seeing stories like this unfolding. She asked her followers to reach out to Thompson and reminded us to pay attention to stories like Yarl’s because they happen far too often. Berry, Timberlake, Davis, and more are asking citizens to contact law enforcement and explain the dire need to rectify this unfathomable wrong immediately, at least to the degree it is possible.

Yarl accidentally rang the wrong doorbell and was just looking to bring his younger brothers home safely, but instead, he’ll be forever changed after being shot.

While the words of celebrities and those who feel for Yarl are important to share, Spoonmore notes in the GoFundMe page for her nephew that he deserves to believe in the good of humanity as Yarl deserves more than he got, and we can all help ensure that he gets it.

He was released from the hospital on April 15, but as Spoonmore mentions, in addition to physical healing, Yarl will undeniably need therapy, and any funds given via GoFundMe will also help provide those services for him.

“Ralph deserves to have the future that he has dreams about. He deserves to be the light that shows the world that LOVE wins and that humanity is still Good. However, he will need a lot of help to get there. Funds from this account will be used for his medical bills and therapy. Any additional funds will be used for college expenses at Texas A&M, a trip to West Africa, and other expenses.”

In case you missed it, you can reach out to Prosecutor Thompson at the following address:
James S. Rooney Justice Center
11 South Water Street
Liberty, Missouri 64068

We’re sending our thoughts to Yarl and his family as they move forward in the healing and justice process.