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Stephen King shuns Chief Twit’s olive branch and suggests a better way for ‘Mr. Musk’ to invest his $8

The feud is on fire, with both sides digging in and holding ground.

Photo via Marc Andrew Deley/Getty Images

After not wanting it and refusing to pay for it, Stephen King has made it very clear what Elon Musk can do with his blue checkmark of authenticity. When the CEO paid for the almighty verification badge for him, the author tweeted that it would actually do more good to pay it forward to a charity.

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In a new Twitter controversy that surpasses most of the celebrities being stripped of their coveted blue badges of honor, this one has some sting to it. Some of the Twits who bought the blue checkmark seem to not get Stephen King’s stance on the matter. It’s as if they aren’t paying attention to the conversation while voicing their opinions on how they feel about it. While The Shining author has been critical of how the Rocketman manages Twitter, other celebrities have distanced themselves from him over his transphobic, racist, and sexist views along with a slew of other terrible things he’s said and done according to this exhaustive list by Vanity Fair.

At one time, the monthly authentication subscription was going to be about $20 to which King slyly tweeted, “They should pay me.” He hasn’t let up on that stance since and was about to lose his blue checkmark along with the purge of other celebrities who lost theirs, but Musk saved it for him for some reason and now King is trying to tell him there are other ways he could be spending his money.

The problem is that Elon Musk has fans too. These days, they’re easy to pick out by the blue checkmark. Even if that doesn’t apply to Stephen King.

For every Twit who is not happy with King’s tweet, there is one who is on his side — only this one has a different idea of what a worthy charity would be.

One particular critic really doesn’t get the point of what it means to not want the checkmark. Call it a political statement. Call it social awareness. It has nothing to do with not being able to afford $8. Stephen King will never be able to get through to some people, even if he stands on a mountain with a megaphone and yells.

Giving to charity has never been a bad idea, which is why it’s astonishing when so many people are giving the author so much grief about it.

There might be people out there who do get what Musk is doing and why it irritates King so much.

The strongest argument Musk fans are making in this fight is that he has already given and is a very charitable person.

And yet, King fans will always show up to battle back.

There are good points on both sides but understand this: King doesn’t want the checkmark and would like to make a statement about it by not purchasing it. Musk isn’t letting that happen, and it has stirred up even more controversy around the issue.