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Hunter Biden bites back at Marjorie Taylor Greene as Don Jr. seemingly forgets how many charges his dad is facing

Eventually everyone gets tired of being a punching bag.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Hunter Biden Donald Trump Jr
Photo by Alex Wong/Teresa Kroeger/Getty Images

You can only slap a dog so many times before it bites you back. In this metaphor, the dog is Hunter Biden, who’s understandably getting tired of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene‘s constant attacks, and accusations that his family is running a crime enterprise. Biden is taking a move out of Greene’s playbook and asking for an ethics probe on her.

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For context: This is the same woman who thinks Jewish space lasers cause forest fires, so there is literally nothing she will not say or yell if she thinks it’ll get her more attention. For the record, she’s also accused him of “taking millions” from China and paying off “young prostitutes.”

Hunter Biden’s lawyer Abbe David Lowell asked the Office of Congressional Ethics to investigate the Georgia Representatives’ “unhinged rhetoric,” per The Hill. Lowell said Hunter Biden wants Greene investigated for possible violations of rules in the House following her repeated attacks on him. She wrote to the chairman of Ethics and asked for a stop to her “unethical conduct.”

“Representative Greene’s unethical conduct arises from her continuous verbal attacks, defamatory statements, publication of personal photos and data, and promotion of conspiracy theories about and against Robert Hunter Biden. None of these could possibly be deemed to be part of any legitimate legislative activity, as is clear from both the content of her statements and actions, and the forums she uses to spew her often unhinged rhetoric.”

The constant attacks on the Biden family are “a spray of shotgun pellets of personal vitriol,” the lawyer wrote, especially when she said Hunter Biden was “linked to an eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.” 

It’s important — she wrote — that the House make it “loud and clear that it does not endorse, condone, or agree with her outrageous, undignified rhetoric and brazen violations of the standards of official conduct that do not reflect creditably on the House of Representatives.”

Hunter Biden has been under federal investigation regarding taxes and his work with foreign businesses. Former President Donald Trump and his allies have seized on the investigation and used it as political ammo against the President Joe Biden.

The younger Biden is gearing up for some legal battles as his team also sent a letter to the Treasury Department. The letter asked for an investigation into how Trump White House aide Garrett Ziegler “came to acquire and then retain and publish on his website” bank activity purportedly showing Biden’s financial activity from JP Morgan Chase Bank.

News of Hunter Biden’s attempts to battle back even prompted Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr., who definitely doesn’t do drugs, to display some hilarious irony.

The most corrupt family? His father is under investigation in FOUR separate cases. Hunter Biden has been under investigation for a few years but so far no charges have materialized. Lol.