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Totally unbiased and furiously negative reactions to ‘The Flash’ point to another divisive DCU offering

What a surprise, a divided fandom is divided over a DCU project.

the flash justice league
via Warner Bros.

You can set your watch to any live-action project coming out of the DCU to split opinion straight down the middle, and that’s only going to become more prevalent than ever before as the James Gunn era begins to take shape. By all accounts, The Flash is on course to be received as a top-tier comic book adaptation, but some fans simply aren’t having it.

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While the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been going through some teething issues of its own as the Multiverse Saga stumbles from one mishap to the next, the majority of its dedicated obsessives are at least all pulling in the same direction of wanting to see the franchise get back on the right track and restore itself to former glories.

Meanwhile, the SnyderVerse subset have splintered off and isolated themselves from the rest of their peers, making a point of tearing down everything that isn’t tangentially connected to the work of Zack Snyder. Of course, The Flash is most definitely part of the original mythology given its cast, content, and synopsis, but the fact it’s hitting the reset button has led to some scornful reactions to emerge from a recent spate of test screenings.


Sifting through the comments and replies, it becomes clear in an instant that there’s another war brewing among the fandom, which is pretty much taken for granted at this point. The Flash may have won the highest of praise from James Gunn, Tom Cruise, and Stephen King to name but three high-profile figures, but the toughest task by far it faces is convincing the SnyderVerse die-hards desperate to hate it that the end product is genuinely one of the very best DC adaptations there’s ever been.