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‘You are such a low IQ embarrassment’: Azaelia Banks colorfully defends Target’s trans-friendly swimsuits

Her words could make a sailor blush.

Azalea Banks
Photo by Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images

Rapper Azealia Banks has piped up to defend the trans community in a profanity-filled Instagram post that’s equally scathing and hilarious.

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The post is aimed at conservative author and political commentator — Candace Owens — who has criticized Target for the decision to sell pro-LGBTQ+ clothing in this year’s pride collection. The inclusion of bathing suits and other items of clothing that are trans-friendly has upset a great deal of right-leaning individuals including Owens who shared the story on Twitter and encouraged people to “choose not to shop at Target.”

Banks ripped into the author for expressing such an insensitive view and encouraging bigotry. The post shared by the rapper is a pretty great read filled with some pretty passionate feelings about the whole situation with some creative insults thrown in that would make a sailor blush.


Fans of the rapper praised her response to the right-wing outrage. Most were pretty impressed with how she so elegantly strung so many different expletives together in such a creative fashion.

“I need a coffee table book of every Azealia Banks rant ever because the way this woman puts words together in a sentence has never been seen before in human history”

“I’m sorry to the haters but Azealia Banks is THE great insult comic of our time. She reads the girls with an absolutely prophetic specificity. Real oracle of Delphi teas.”

“azealia banks should be hired as an insult coordinator for a presidential campaign she’s at Olympic levels of reading at this point. she’s operating on an international scale of clearing bitches”

Whilst many sided with Banks on the whole situation, some were a little more skeptical on whether she was a real ally to the trans community or not.

“azealia banks is really funny to me because no matter how much open contempt she has for her gay/trans fans they love her anyways so she has to keep playing to that audience. she’s pidgeonholed herself into being a gay icon and she hates every second of it”

It seems some think that Azealia might be playing to her audience rather than being genuine as she said some pretty controversial things about the trans community a couple of years ago, claiming that “there are women and there are trans women.” 

So is this whole rant genuine? Can we believe what Banks is preaching now after not acknowledging trans women only a couple of short years ago? It’s possible that she could have changed her opinions over the course of two years, and either way, somebody had to say all that to Candace Owens and the political right.