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‘If you don’t name it Petty Beach, you’re missing out’: Karen’s territorial dispute backfires spectacularly

We love it when Karens get owned.

Screengrabs via Boymom4life77/TikTok

Everybody loves to hear about Karens getting owned and as it turns out, one TikTok user by the name of Boymom4life77 has a pretty satisfying story involving a Karen and a dispute over land.

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Karens are literally everywhere, you’d normally expect to deal with them in retail or customer service jobs, but all Karens have somewhere they call home. Unfortunately for some they have to live next to these kinds of people.

The TikToker starts her video by explaining that her neighbor thought that their driveway was on her property, but as explained in the video “both of our homes have been here 30+ years.” It’s a pretty wild request to demand someone to move their driveway that’s been there for decades. But don’t worry, the entitlement continues.

“She also claimed that one of our trees was hers and she was gonna build a bridge to maintain it.”

Apparently the nightmare neighbor had also called the police several times over the dispute. It was such a problem that the TikToker had to find the deed for the land just to prove her neighbor wrong. 

The TikToker concludes the video wondering whether she should put a beach out there now that the property is confirmed to be hers. “So I’m thinking, what if we put a beach out there? Have some sand, put in a launch? We should,” viewers were completely on board with the idea with some offering to send money for sand.

“where do I send $20 for the sand ??”

Another suggested a fitting title for the beach.

“I’m thinking if you don’t name it “Petty Beach”, you’re seriously missing out!!”

Sounds like a plan. If the TikToker follows up on her word, we can expect a juicy part two to this story sometime soon.