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The most ridiculous things said on ‘The Bachelorette: Men Tell All’ episode

The ridiculousness of the suitors was on full display.

ABC/ Bachelorette

Monday night’s episode The Bachelorette gifted us with the always dramatic “Men Tell All” episode, and this season did not disappoint.

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Some things that were said were pretty wildly absurd, but might not seem too out-there until you learn the context behind them.

So, here are the most ridiculous things said on the “Men Tell All” episode of Charity Lawson’s season, with some context in case you haven’t watched every single moment.

“I’m okay with Charity kicking me in the nuts”

Spencer was only on the show for two episodes, but he was memorable. When he first met Charity, he decided to show her how to defend herself if any of the guys get out of line. His advice was that she kick any such guy in the nuts. Then he encouraged her to have a ball and practice on him. Charity politely declined. However, she probably should have practiced this on some of the guys she kicked off the show.

Spencer showed up to the “Men Tell All” episode, and host Jesse Palmer naturally had to ask him, “Do you regret asking Charity to kick you in the nuts?”

Spencer answered, “What do you want from someone other than a little bit of vulnerability in a tough situation? So, Jesse, I’m okay with it.”

“Fu** Peter”

This deserves a lengthy explainer, so I wrote a separate article for this one since it’s so shocking.

In short, it was revealed that approximately 15 of the guys hated Peter so much, despite his being there for just the first night, that they kept a running joke of signing off on their public social media posts with “FP.” It was revealed on Monday night’s episode that FP stands for, well, “F Peter.”

Imagine how immature you have to be to go full frat guy mentality because you didn’t like one of the guy’s from the first night, despite the fact that he did not last longer than any of the other men? It just shows the pathetic level of man that Charity had to choose from and, sadly, one of those men who used that sign off is Aaron, who once couldn’t understand why Charity wasn’t exclusive to him. Unfortunately for her, Aaron happens to be one of the final three remaining men heading into the finale, though I highly doubt he gets chosen.

“Punch the gas, man!”

This is technically a quote from an earlier episode, but it was brought back up to add absolute hilarity to the background of the statement.

When Aaron got so insanely indignant about Brayden returning to show, which only ended up being for the purpose of saying goodbye to Charity, he and Brayden nearly got physical. In fact, while sitting in a van with the sliding door open, Brayden finally had enough and told Aaron, “I’m gonna whip your a**!” It was a response to Aaron’s constant insults, such as telling Brayden he wasn’t a man. Aaron even physically got in Brayden’s way to stop him from leaving, in a foolish attempt at seeking an apology for someone else. Yet, what happened next proved that maybe it was Aaron who was the real man, because when Brayden was ready to fight, Aaron showed his true colors and said that Brayden wouldn’t be fighting anybody, then turned to the driver and said, quite loudly, “Punch the gas, man!”

Brayden recounted the story to Jesse, admitting he really was ready to fight Aaron and thought it was actually about to happen. Then he revealed something hilarious: He told Jesse, to what became the crowd’s laughter, “By the way, there was no driver in the van when he said, ‘hit the gas!’ I just want to make that clear. He said ‘hit the gas’ to nobody.”

“At home you’d be cussing like regular!”

The strangest exchange from the episode is likely the discussion between Brayden and Adrian. It was Adrian who initially told Charity that he felt Brayden wasn’t there for the right reasons. When explaining himself to Jesse, Adrian said, about Brayden not wanting to see Charity kiss other guys, “He signed up for the wrong show. Everybody got a kiss and someone probably saw it, right?” Adrian also brushed off not caring who kisses Charity or whether or not someone sees it because, “It’s the same sh**. I mean stuff, sorry.”

Of course, many of the other men also had a problem with certain kissing situations so for it to fall entirely on Brayden is somewhat unfair or, as Brayden put it, “I guess their realness is just different than mine.”

However, he then oddly tried to equate stopping oneself from cussing to being somewhat dishonest. He explained, while looking at Adrian,  “For people to say they didn’t have a level of façade on would be a lie. I mean, the fact that some people are even editing their cuss words right now – like at home you’d be cussing like regular – but the fact that you’re curbing your cuss words saying ‘Oh, sorry,’ like that’s you putting on a façade and protecting that part of you.”

This might be the funniest comment from the show because it’s so odd and bizarre. Funny enough, Adrian responded, “I just didn’t know if we can cuss or not but I don’t give a fu**.”

“I never called her ‘classless’”

This requires context, and the real humor is the fact that there was a message from the producers afterwards.

In further drama between Adrian and Brayden, Adrian had accused him of calling Charity “classless” Brayden brought it up Monday night, telling Adrian, ”You were saying that I called her ‘classless.’ I never called her ‘classless.’ That’s not something I said. Don’t put that word in my mouth.”

Adrian stated, “I wouldn’t have made it up” to which Brayden quickly replied, “Well you did.”

Xavier interrupted because he wanted to know if it was true, so he asked host Jesse what we all wanted to know, “Do we have the tape or not?”

Although Jesse didn’t have any tape at the time, producers of the show since went digging and when they went to a commercial they left a written message for viewers that read, “A search was made for footage of Brayden calling Charity “classless.” So far, no footage has surfaced.”

“It was really just ‘The Brayden Show’”

Sean decided to also complain about Brayden, something these guys spent way too much time doing during the show and apparently have no desire to quit doing. It’s no surprise when you consider they maintained hatred for Peter for no real reason.

Sean explained, “Throughout the entire journey like, the one person that made it about themselves more than anyone was Brayden. It was really just ‘The Brayden Show.’”

When Jesse asked him about the day Brayden left, Sean simply said, “Best day of my life.” Then, Brayden quickly responded, “He finally had a shot.”

The irony of Sean’s above statement is that, at one point, he tried to make the show all about him, to which many of the guys now freely expressed their annoyance over. They spoke about him stealing Charity for 30 minutes and leaving them with just three minutes each. Sean was then shocked at Charity saying goodbye to him.

In response to Sean’s shenanigan’s being discussed, Tanner surprisingly chimed in to add, “I never wanted to punch someone more in the face.”

It makes one realize we had a lot of near violence this season. Meanwhile, despite the comment, Sean kept the smirk on his unpunched face and seemed pretty happy with himself.

“I can be that faithful person.”

Xavier had a solid connection with Charity, but Charity had been cheated on before, and Xavier admitted that he’d once cheated on someone before. Not a good mix. At the “Men Tell All,” he said that his feeling was, “I can be that faithful person.” However, that’s the issue. You shouldn’t have to aspire to be faithful, you should simply be faithful.

Obviously, this is why Charity let him go. Charity explained to him on Monday night’s show that when he told her “I don’t want to cheat on you,” that she knew he was not the right one because he didn’t instead say, “I won’t cheat on you.”

Xavier understood and actually gave Charity a gift which was a knitted rose, something he made himself.

With one episode left, we’ll finally get to see who Charity chooses to spend her life. It’s between Aaron, Joey, and Dotun, but it would be shocking if she chose anyone other than Dotun. Just about anybody watching the show would likely conclude that they are both amazingly sincere people and are perfect for each other.

Overall, Monday night’s episode was entertaining, strange, and head scratching, so it basically was what everyone expected. It was also revealing for many reasons, not the least of which was that Charity clearly made a lot of good decisions.