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New Image From James Gray’s Low Life

Around this time every year studios begin to make their push towards the award season at the end of the year and we begin seeing more on some of the most anticipated films of the year. Today we have a new look at one of my most anticipated films of the year, and a film that I believe could make a big push for awards this year, James Gray's Low Life.

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Today we have a new look at one of my most anticipated films of the year and a film that I believe could make a big push come awards season, James Gray’s Low Life.

The film was picked up by The Weinstein Company at this year’s Cannes Film Festival and will be the fifth feature from the American director, who has has given us films like We Own The Night and Two Lovers. Starring Gray’s muse Joaquin Phoenix alongside Marion Cotillard and Jeremy Renner, Low Life is full of potential.

For those unfamiliar with the plot, the film follows “the journey of a Polish immigrant (Cotillard) who becomes caught between a cabaret owner/pimp (Phoenix) and a magician who wants to save her (Renner).”

The Weinstein Company have quite a few films primed for the award season, including David O. Russell’s Silver Lining’s Playbook, Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained and Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master, but if Gray’s previous films and the cast are anything to go by, I still think that Low Life has the potential to make a big mark at the end of this year.

The film sounds incredibly interesting and will likely be visually stunning, not to mention Gray has stated previously that he believes that the film is his best work. No release date has been set just yet but expect it to premiere at either the Toronto or Venice Film Festival.

Low Life stars Marion Cotillard, Joaquin Phoenix and Jeremy Renner and will be released later this year.