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Anne Hathaway Is Interested In A Catwoman Spin-Off

In an interview with Digital Spy, Anne Hathaway said that she would be interested in being a part of a Catwoman spin-0ff, but only if Christopher Nolan is involved. The question was posed in regards to comments Nolan previously made about Catwoman deserving her own film.

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In an interview with Digital SpyAnne Hathaway said that she would be interested in being a part of a Catwoman spin-off, but only if Christopher Nolan is involved. The question was posed in regards to comments Nolan previously made about Catwoman deserving her own film.

When asked if she would want to be a part of such a spin-off, Hathaway said:

“I think it would be lovely to see more of her but only if it’s with the right people… She lives in this Gotham City and so it would have to be established by the people who have made this Gotham City. For me, at least.”

Nolan has already made it clear that he will not direct another Batman movie, and although this wouldn’t be a Batman film per se, I think it’s safe to assume that Nolan doesn’t have plans to make another directorial trip to Gotham.

Hathaway didn’t specifically say though that she would have to be directed by Nolan, just that she wanted him to be involved. Nolan is currently producing Man Of Steel and if he is willing to join a Catwoman project as a producer, maybe that will be enough for Hathaway.

I was pleasantly surprised by Hathaway’s performance and by the portrayal of Catwoman as a whole. When I heard that Catwoman would be a part of The Dark Knight Rises I was very skeptical, but thankfully I was proven wrong. Hathaway’s performance was exceptional and thanks to it, I have a new respect for Catwoman that Halle Berry previously destroyed.

What do you think? Yay or nay to a Catwoman spin-off?