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‘Blue Beetle’ being put against ‘The Flash’ is going exactly how you’d think

Let's face it; the comparison is just a formality.

the flash
via Warner Bros.

We know that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, but what’s the word for doing something for the first time and expecting anything other than than the blatantly obvious?

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Whatever it is, a member of the DC faithful decided to test the waters of an inevitable comparison that can now be made properly, thanks to DC’s latest two films both having graced audiences now. Let’s just say that The Flash stacking up against new DCEU/DCU darling Blue Beetle is one race that the former, poetically enough, was destined to lose.

Indeed, once the original poster squared Jaime Reyes and Barry Allen up against one another, the clockwork-powered landslide began in, well, a flash.

There was the occasional passing affection for The Flash here and there, but in the sea of Blue Beetle proponents, Flash stans were effectively nowhere to be found outside of one brave soul who compounded their take with a hard-to-miss GIF.

Others apparently didn’t even need to see Blue Beetle to lock their votes in.

Now, say what you will about Ezra Miller, the digital recreations of Christopher Reeve and company, or the bold decision to take a jab at Avengers: Endgame, but The Flash has been received much more harshly than it deserves. Is it better than Blue Beetle? Not by a long shot, but it certainly handled its necessary evils – some of them staples of the genre – with a uniquely peculiar grace that only The Flash‘s penchant for abnormality would be able to do, and we won’t be terribly surprised if it catches a second wind on streaming in the not-so-distant future.

Blue Beetle is now playing in theaters.