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What is Ted Bundy’s zodiac sign? The serial killers’ birth chart explored.

Can the reason behind Ted Bundy's crimes lie in his stars?

Ted Bundy
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Ted Bundy is one of the most notorious serial killers of our time, but for all the world, he kept up his image as a well-mannered, clean-cut law student. It is a mystery as to what could have caused a life filled with so much potential to go so wrong — could the fault lie in Bundy’s stars?

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When the term serial killer is mentioned, Bundy is one of the first names that comes to mind. There is a good reason for that, the term serial killer didn’t even exist before Ted Bundy. It was coined to describe someone who seemed to crave murder like the next installment in a television show. Someone who was always searching for something, some sort of resolution or satisfaction, but never finding it, causing them to murder over and over again.

So, what could have driven this deep-seated, unmet need in Ted Bundy? Was it something that he didn’t get from his difficult childhood, a fault in his mind or nervous system, or perhaps it was written in his stars? Here’s what we found out.

What is Ted Bundy’s zodiac sign?

Ted Bundy
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Interestingly enough, the majority of serial killers fall within four specific zodiac signs and Ted Bundy was no exception. He was born on Nov. 24th, 1946, making him a Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is a fire sign that is represented by the symbol of the archer. It is a sign that values travel, philosophy, and higher education, all things Bundy appeared to be drawn to. They are often social, free-spirited, and artistic – also traits Bundy embodied. Yet there are some other less positive attributes that the zodiac sign can sometimes bring to the table.

Sagittarius as a fire sign can be prone to bursts of temper, as its fiery playmates are Aries and Leo. Also, compared to the other signs, Sagittarians are especially more prone to impulsivity. They tend to follow their passion, good, bad, or otherwise. The thought of consequences or long-term repercussions is not always part of their thought processes. Ted Bundy seemed to demonstrate this tendency, especially in his later years.

Ted Bundy’s birth chart explored

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile
Image via Netflix

According to AstroSeek, Ted Bundy’s Mars placement is also in Sagittarius. Mars is the planet of war, aggression, and conflict and it shows up in his fourth house, the house of home and family. In fact, Bundy has six planets in the house of home and family, which in any chart, is quite crowded. It can indicate that his sense of anger, aggression, and incense could have originated within his family. It could even paint a history of aggressive tendencies in his lineage, which according to reports, checks out.

Ann Rule, the famous true crime writer and former friend of Ted Bundy conducted an extensive study into Bundy’s family of origin. She discovered many reports that his grandfather (who was also rumored to be his biological father) was supposedly a very violent man. Bundy was raised by him for several years, thinking his mother was his sister before she finally took him and left the family home.

Bundy also has the sign of Scorpio falling into his fourth house of home and family. Scorpio is the sign of death, transformation, the subconscious, and what lies beneath. It represents our shadow aspects, secrets, and our subconscious drives and desires. The fact that his lineage contained dark family secrets is not surprising with his fourth house partially in this sign. Also, as symbolized by the scorpion, Scorpio can be prone to retaliation, vengeance, and revenge, often lashing out when provoked.

The women in Ted Bundy’s life

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile
Image via Netflix

The planet of Venus is also in the sign of Scorpio in Ted’s fourth house, particularly indicating darkness and secrets around the feminine presence in his life. All this combined can be interpreted to mean that there were secrets and aggression in his lineage, which were showing up in his subconscious and in how he related to women. Ted held a great deal of anger towards his mother for her deception, so could he have been taking out that rage on all women? Lashing out at the women who rejected him, the way he felt his mother did? Many, including Ann Rule, felt that his upbringing drove his behaviors and his chart certainly indicates that is a possibility.

Finally, Bundy has the point known as the Black Moon Lilith in his house of home and family. Paired with Venus, it shows the light and dark aspects of the feminine, the demure and passive, and meets the outspoken and empowered. The presence of both could indicate conflicting feelings towards women. Bundy could have felt both great kinship and respect for women, while also harboring anger towards some of their darker qualities. It was a confusing aspect of his life as he murdered at least 36 young women but also held multiple long-term intimate relationships.

He had a years-long relationship with Liz Kendall as portrayed in Netflix’s Extremely Wicked Shockingly Evil and Vile, who also had a young daughter. He then married Carole Ann Boone after years of dating and had a daughter with her. Neither of those women nor their children were harmed. He held a close friendship with Ann Rule, who was even described as a “touchstone” for him, someone he greatly admired.

He was also known to describe his mother in contradicting terms, sometimes applauding her as a single mother who cared for him, other times feeling rejected by her and angry at her choices. His chart would indicate this conflicting dynamic and feeling towards women, all stemming from his home and family.

Ted Bundy was a notorious serial killer who murdered many women. Could these tragedies have been prevented by peering into his birth chart? Unfortunately, while his chart does provide an insight into his motivations and life setup, the choice to become a murderer was Ted Bundy’s, not his stars.