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What happened with Stephen Collins, the TV dad from ‘7th Heaven?’

Stephen Collins played the perfect pastor and father figure on '7th Heaven' but his life behind the scenes was far from idyllic.

Photo by Victor Spinelli/WireImage

Stephen Collins is probably best known for his role as iconic TV dad and pastor Eric Camden on the hit show 7th Heaven. Yet while his on-camera persona might have appeared heaven-sent, behind the scenes something much darker lurked.

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Stephen Collins appeared to be the perfect father figure in his role on 7th Heaven, yet in real life, he played a much different and far darker role. In 2012, in a therapy session with his wife, Faye Grant, Collins revealed a dark secret about himself — that he was a sexual predator. Little did Collins know that the therapy sessions were being recorded, and somehow, the tapes got leaked. Collins’ confessions were now out for the public to hear.

Here is everything that the tapes revealed about Stephen Collins, and where he is now.

What happened with Stephen Collins?

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Stephen Collins seemed to have it all: A lucrative and successful acting career, and a loving and devoted family, but beneath it all was something very dark and sinister. In 2012, in a therapy session with his wife, Collins admitted several heinous crimes against children, including against one of his own family members. The tapes were leaked in 2014, and the backlash was immense. Not only was Collins no longer being offered acting positions, but the show that had been a part of his life for eleven years, 7th Heaven was pulled from syndication.

While the initial reveal was shocking enough, even more information about Collins began to surface, including an allegation from one of his victims, actress April Price. As the news began to circulate, far from denying the allegations, Collins opened up in an interview with a news outlet, admitting their validity. He described some of the inappropriate incidents on camera with anchor Katie Couric.

Collins describes an especially insidious incident where he and a young unnamed actress were left alone together one night. The actress was staying with Collins and his wife, and his wife had already gone to bed when the incident occurred. When the interview went live, actress April Price came forward claiming she was one of the victims. She told her story to the Daily Mail, saying she had been exposed to Collins when she was only 13 years old. She described several incidents in detail in her report, and despite remembering everything clearly — and Collins confessing to the crime — when she contacted law enforcement, she was met with disappointing news; the statute of limitations on her case had run out. She would not be able to pursue legal action against the former 7th Heaven actor.

Collins claims he sought help after the incident, and through extensive therapy and religious devotion, that he has not acted out of that impulse since 1994. He went on to say it was not his choice for the allegations to come out, saying “I am a human being with flaws,” and that he preferred to deal with the issue privately.

Collins has not, as of this time, faced legal ramifications for his actions, and some of his victim’s identities remain unknown. The statute of limitations on the crimes has run out for many, and no further victims have come forward with allegations.

Where is Stephen Collins now?

Following the accusations becoming public, Collins was pushed out of the Hollywood spotlight, and resigned from his place on the board of SAG AFTRA. He also chose to step far away from his old life and location. As he and his first wife were estranged, the 72-year-old moved to a small town in Iowa and married a German native. Jenny Nagel is reportedly a 32-year-old 7th Heaven fan.

Since Collins’s interview, he has stayed far out of the spotlight, keeping his private life to himself. As he is no longer acting or giving interviews, it is unclear what exactly he is doing in Iowa or how he is making a living. He is reported to participate in daily transcendental meditation practices.

Stephen Collins was an icon and a role model to many young 7th Heaven fans. Viewers felt his role presented the ideal father and male figure, it was a disappointment to many to find out the truth behind the man. Stephen Collins’ acting legacy will now forever be overshadowed by his crimes.