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Stay Classy: Top 10 Greatest Will Ferrell Movies

Will Ferrell has been a comedy staple around the world for what feels like an eternity. He can always be counted on to give a fantastic performance with each outing and watching him is always a treat.

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Will Ferrell has been a comedy staple around the world for what feels like an eternity. He can always be counted on to give a fantastic performance with each outing and watching him is always a treat.

It’s difficult to not watch any Will Ferrell movie without cracking at least a smile. Even his lesser scenes can produce a chuckle whilst his best can leave you in tear inducing hysterics.

Naturally though, there are a few movies where you have to question whether Ferrell was paying attention when he accepted the job; the less that is said about Bewitched the better.

Nevertheless, there are plenty of movies to choose from for this list but of course, not all of them can make it to the top 10 and many of you will have a different opinion on the order. At the end of the day though, we’re all winners for having been able to enjoy each and every moment that these Will Ferrell films have given us.

With the recent release of The Campaign there really is no better time to take a look at some of the greatest movies starring the man himself. So without further ado, let’s begin our rundown of the Top 10 Will Ferrell movies:

10. The Producers

Admittedly not the best movie Ferrell has ever appeared in, but the best moments in it are without a doubt those that he features in. As Nazi sympathiser Franz Liebkind, Ferrell steals the show. The scene in which Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick’s characters meet the Nazi sympathising, Pigeon loving Liebkind is one of the funniest in the entire movie.

In truth there are probably very few comedy actors out there who could have pulled off this role as Will Ferrell did, treading a very difficult line between making the character loveable whilst still keeping him, well you know, a Nazi.

Just like the rest of the movie, Ferrell’s performance is deliciously over the top; laying the faux German accent on thick and really bringing the absurdity of everything to a high. His performance of Haben Sie Gehort Das Deutsche Band is for me, one of the highlights of the film and one of his best performances.

Sieg Heil Will! Sieg Heil!

9. Old School


Many of you will probably be surprised at my positioning of this classic Ferrell romp, however, in my opinion it’s one of the most overrated of his films and not as great as some of his later outings. Needless to say, however, Old School is still a very funny film and features a fantastic Ferrell performance.

For me, the character of Frank is one of the weaker characters that the actor has played, which is why the film ranks so low. That aside, it’s still a solid performance from the comedian and one that is full of memorable moments.

Without a doubt the highlight is his naked run through the town, you can’t beat a bit of Ferrell nudity. Did you know that following the release of Old School Ferrell was nominated for World’s Sexiest Body…ok that’s not true, but it should be!

Full of classic lines and memorable moments, Old School is easily a member of this list, despite being one of the actor’s weaker efforts.

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