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Latest Skyfall Video Blog Discusses Filming In London

We now have another Skyfall video blog, courtesy of 007.com, which features Sam Mendes, Daniel Craig, and Judi Dench discussing the process involved with filming in London

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We now have another Skyfall video blog, courtesy of 007.com, which features Sam Mendes, Daniel Craig, and Judi Dench discussing the process involved with filming in London.

At the beginning of the video Mendes concedes that London is “not a particularly photogenic city,” but we all know they couldn’t very well make a James Bond film without shooting at least some of it in London. And frankly, from what we’ve seen, Mendes and his DP Roger Deakins have made London look brilliantly photogenic.

Elsewhere in the vid, Craig discusses how shooting a Bond film opened doors to various parts of the city that a film less deeply rooted in British lore probably wouldn’t have been allowed access to.

The video also provides some behind-the-scenes footage of scenes that aren’t in the trailers. Personally, I can’t wait to see what they do in the Underground and the various other iconic locations Mendes mentions.

I think it’s good they’re shooting so much of Skyfall in London. Recent Bond movies have done more scenes overseas than in Britain, and while it’s cool to see the world-wide travels of 007, it’s also enjoyable when the story comes back to the doorstep of MI6.

After all, as Craig says, London is “Bond’s home.”

Check out the video below and share your thoughts.