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While MTG rages on about fentanyl, the Trump administration’s alleged drug problem is uncovered

Irony might just be Marj's middle name.

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

“Hypocrisy” may be the most popular word in the extremely limited vocabularies of Donald Trump‘s most ardent supporters.

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The same supporters blast Hunter Biden for failing to adhere to a Congressional subpoena, despite dodging their own for years, or blast Democrats for supposed “corruption” while quietly relying on Trump’s own legacy of corruption to further their political careers. Supporters like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who’s been raging about the dangers of fentanyl for years, even as information about the Trump administration’s own drug problems saturate the news cycle.

A scathing report from the Defense Department’s Office of Inspector General recently reinforced longstanding concerns about the distribution of medication in the Trump White House. While Trump was in office, the report alleges the White House Medical Unit “dispensed prescription medications, including controlled substances, to ineligible White House staff.”

The White House Medical Unit under Trump violated a number of federal regulations regarding medication, even going so far as to keep records of controlled Schedule II medications — hilariously including fentanyl alongside hydrocodone, morphine, and oxycodone — in the same inventory as non-controlled substances.

That’s on top of frequent “errors” in medical records, and the aforementioned distribution of medication to ineligible staff, which resulted in some receiving “free specialty care and surgery at military medical treatment facilities,” according to the report.

The irony of the report’s findings, which reinforces previous findings on the Trump administration’s improper distribution of medication, wasn’t lost on the general public. They were quick to spotlight a number of Trump supporters, including Marjorie Taylor Greene, for continuing to rant about President Biden’s supposed influence on the spread of fentanyl, even as concrete evidence of Trump’s own involvement with the dangerous drug is exposed.

Greene was already thoroughly dragged for her determinedly false narrative regarding the dangers of fentanyl. While she’s in no way wrong that the drug presents massive dangers, her attempt to paint the Biden administration in a bad light by linking the deaths of two young men to the current president was quickly pointed out as inaccurate. Those two men actually passed away while Trump was still in office, which makes any attempts to link their deaths to Biden a clear misdirection.