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Should self-proclaimed dictator Donald Trump win the Nobel Peace Prize? This Republican thinks so

A classic MAGA symptom: Believing the rest of the world also suffers from selective amnesia.

Donald Trump Nobel Peace Prize
Photo by David Becker/Getty Images

You would think that in a world where the likes of U.S. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R- GA) finds legal court proceedings “outrageous,” rants about Trojan terrorists, and makes us question whether in certain “unique” personalities, brain cells lie dormant or never existed in the first place, nothing could be mind-boggling enough to faze us. Enter Donald Trump as a Nobel Peace Prize nominee.

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Just because every Trump supporter has the superpower to overlook or flat-out turn a blind eye to every allegation against him and proven crimes he has committed — and the list is ever-growing at this point — they appear to be under the impression that everyone else will willingly ignore the former U.S. president’s many transgressions. Why? Well, because Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) has nominated Donald J. Trump, the first indicted ex-U.S. president, for a Nobel Peace Prize, deeming it necessary that his “historic” Abraham Accords treaty and other “valiant efforts” to maintain world peace be recognized.

I am not sure whether Republicans keep up with the many preposterous statements made by their favorite 2024 election candidate — who is steadily toeing the borders of the land called “bankruptcy” —but just weeks ago, in Dec. 2023, Trump openly boasted that if he were to become the president again, he would seek retribution against his rivals. He admitted that he will abuse his power, and will be a dictator — though you don’t have to worry, because he “promises” his vengeance era will only last for one day. “After that, I’m not a dictator,” he assures us.

Hmm. Anyway, exhibiting symptoms of the same selective amnesia every Trump fan has, Tenney has pointed out that while the 1994 Oslo Accords and the Israeli peace accord have been properly recognized by the Nobel Peace Prize, Trump has never been appropriately honored for the historic Abraham Accords — yep, the one that ended up being more of a business deal, and ushered in none of the peace it promised to the Middle East.

But I digress. Here is what Tenney shared with Fox News as she demanded that Trump’s “valiant efforts,” “strong leadership,” and attempts to “achieve world peace” have gone unrecognized for too long.

“Donald Trump was instrumental in facilitating the first new peace agreements in the Middle East in almost 30 years. For decades, bureaucrats, foreign policy ‘professionals’, and international organizations insisted that additional Middle East peace agreements were impossible without a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. President Trump proved that to be false.”

The man in question has been nominated for the prestigious award three times in the past as well, and has never won. And if logic continues to direct the brains of those in charge, he never will.