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Marjorie Taylor Greene attacking a fence begs questions about the state of her mental union

Maybe it's time to quit worrying about Santa and other things out of your control, Marj?

Marjorie Taylor Greene State of the Union
Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Marjorie Taylor Greene appears to be dealing with a severe case of frayed nerves, and why wouldn’t she be? The election is approaching, the penalties against Donald Trump are piling up, and her hero voluntarily wants Joe Biden as his worst nightmare. The poor unfortunate soul is so on the edge that even a darn fence has managed to freak her out.

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After publicly losing it when reminded of the word vomit about “enemies of Christmas” — all about the existence of Jewish Space Lasers and how they were being actively used to shoot down Santa Claus — dear Marj has not been able to calm down her single brain cell because it is clearly not done short-circuiting.

On Thursday, March 7, the Trump-betrayed MAGA decided to explain the “State of the Union” by freaking out over a fence that was erected around Washington D.C in preparation for the possible protests — which will include unruly Trump supporters and their penchant for causing unnecessary chaos — that might greet President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address. But MTG can’t help but question the need for this cautionary decision or avoid jumping up to advocate for building a literal wall on the U.S. border to stop immigrants.

You’d think that Marj might have undergone some growth in the years since she ranted about Jewish Space Lasers, but evidently, it is a futile hope (after all, this isn’t the first time she has been in a tussle with an inanimate object). But, as usual, people are ready to drop their steadily declining opinion of Trump and his supporters if it means they can knock some sense into Greene.

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Because she seems incapable of understanding the “why” behind the existence of the fence, Greene was provided the simple, crisp answer.

Well, she has another option if the fence irks her that much.

In Marj’s defense, I’m sure she had some spur-of-the-moment spark of creativity that inspired the post. But while we are on the topic of fences, does Marj remember spending more than $65,000 of her campaign funds on installing a security fence — whose cost bypassed the median household income (via RawStory) in her district by more than $10,000 —  at her home? No? Selective amnesia at work again, eh, Marj?

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