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10 best Sarah J. Maas books, ranked

Because we have to rank things, but they're all number one in our hearts.

acotar sarah j. maas a court of thornes and roses
Photo via Bloomsbury Publishing/YouTube

If you enjoy fantasy novels, then you already know who Sarah J. Maas is and how popular she’s become. Mixing fantasy lore with a dash of romance and a heap of violence, she’s almost become a category of her own. Her first book, Throne of Glass, came out in 2012 and ever since then she just hasn’t stopped.

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Maas is now practically unavoidable. During her career, she’s sold over 13 million books and every title is a bestseller. She writes gargantuan novels which often tip over 200,000 words and have more characters than the bible. It’s a fantasy lover’s heaven. She’s incredibly popular online as well, with TikTok, well BookTok, ready to devour every word, opine over every sentence and basically pledge allegiance to her storytelling.

A quick bio for those just discovering ACOTAR or Crescent City: Maas grew up in New York, went to the super fancy Dalton School, and wrote Harry Potter fan fiction when she was just a teenager. She then catapulted herself toward her future career by studying creative writing and religion at Hamilton College.

Maas started writing what would eventually turn into Throne of Glass at 16. She loved Buffy and Sailor Moon. She’s incredibly rich (from selling books). Honestly, that’s all you need to know. Her work stands on its own two feet. Alright, enough chatter. Here are her ten best books ranked. How did we come up with this list? A mix of diligent research and this writer’s personal preference. The choices may cause some contention but we expect nothing less from her devoted readers.

10. A Court of Wings and Ruin

Look. Just because this one breezes in at number ten doesn’t mean it’s a bad book. Numbers are arbitrary when it comes to Maas. Societal forces and the human brain enjoys lists but you could put any book on this list in a different spot and someone would come up with a compelling argument for why it deserves to be there.

In this epic, Feyre is forced into positions she’s never been in before to save her land and the people in it. Who to trust? Who to kill? It’s a thriller of insanely epic proportions. What a ride.

9. A Court of Silver Flames

No one likes to be forced to do anything, and Nesta is no different. She’s always been pernicious, quick to anger and callous, but being that she became High Fae against her will, she can’t seem to get past her trauma or get comfortable in a new strange and deadly world. Enter Cassian. Talk about chemistry, these two could run a chemical factory together. Me ow

8. Kingdom of Ash

Another tear-jerker ending that would bring tears to a statue. This is it! The series ender. Some highlights: The way Fenrys and Aelin communicate in silence. The way Aelin is full of swagger. The Thirteen (times 3)! The way the cousins finally find each other. How the prince becomes something greater. It’s all here. A bittersweet end and a harsh return to reality. That’s how these things work.

7. A Court of Thorns and Roses

This one starts with a nice oopsie murder that serves as the ignition point for the romance between the huntress and the beast. The sparks! The strength of this is how it’s a constant tug of war between the darkness and the light, between ominous forces and heavenly ones, between life and death. Not many authors can straddle a line like that, but for some reason Maas just has that skill.

6. Queen of Shadows

This one feels, well, epic. Huge. Grand. Magnanimous. Per usual, it’s impossible to put down. You’ll feel like you’re meeting Aelin for the first time, the way she’s unraveled like a spool. The character arc for Celaena from stubborn sassy woman to cunning queen is so satisfying to experience. Also, Manon. Finding her feet. Let’s go!

5. Empire of Storms

This one has more twists and turns than a politician trying to appeal to his base. It’s devastating in a beautiful way, if only because Maas doesn’t mind straight-up murdering heart after heart. Have we used the word breathtaking yet? Because there are going to be moments in this one when you’ll be holding your breath and not even know it. Oof! The sacrifices poor Aelin has to make. The sacrifices!

4. House of Sky and Breath

Now that Bryce and Hunt have done their duty and saved Crescent City, don’t they deserve some downtime? Can’t they just relax? Unfortunately, no. Because it quickly becomes clear that they’re not going to sit by and watch while others are oppressed. It’s time to join up with the rebels and kick this thing into high gear. Oh, and this one is sexy with a capital X.

3. A Court of Mist and Fury

If there’s one thing a protagonist in a Maas tale has to go through, it’s tough trials and tribulation. We’re talking about Feyre, of course. Despite being granted the remnants of the High Fae, she can’t shake what she was forced to do to save Tamlin and his brood. What’s great about this one is that it feels like Feyre is wrestling with two separate conclusions. It feels almost real? Of course it does!

2. Heir of Fire

How much does Celaena have to go through? Are the contests and the pain of heartbreak not enough? Now she has to go on a brutal sojourn to find out who she really is? Actually, it’s an epic tale that gets increasingly epic with every turn of the page. This one stands out because of how fast it moves and how easy it is to read. There’s no substitute for a good Maas narrative

1. House of Earth and Blood

Our first introduction to Bryce! Everything was great until that pesky demon murdered all her buds, leaving her with a trauma that eats at her very soul. She teams up with Hunt Athalar the fallen angel and after they make a deal, the duo gets to work. The characters are amazing, the romance angle is seductive and oh boy is there suspense. It doesn’t get much better than this folks.