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What is the meaning of ‘FN’ on TikTok?

Seeing the phrase everywhere on TikTok? We've got the why

Green FN on TikTok
Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Among all the TikTok slangs, there’s one phrase that’s been causing confusion lately: “Green FN.” If you’re scratching your head wondering if they’re talking about eco-friendly initiatives or some new health trend, don’t worry – you’re not alone.

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In the fast-paced world of TikTok, where trends are born, go viral, and die all within the span of a few days, it can be hard to keep up with the latest slang. Just when you think you’ve memorized the newest catchphrase, along comes another baffling term that probably leaves you wondering if you’re officially too old for the internet.

Of course, this isn’t the first time that TikTok has latched onto a random phrase and turned it into a cultural phenomenon. In many ways, the app has become a breeding ground for new and creative ways of expressing ourselves. Remember “ok boomer“? Or “sco pa tu manaa“? Or any of the other countless bits of nonsense that have gone viral on the app? It’s all part of the beautiful, chaotic mess that is TikTok culture.

You probably have guessed at some point that “FN” in “Green FN” is an abbreviation that stands for “f***ing n***a” – but why everyone on TikTok seems to be obsessed with it? 

How a gamer’s perfect shot became a hot catchphrase

To understand “Green FN,” we first have to talk about one of the most popular video game franchises of all time: NBA 2K. In this game, players can create their own basketball superstars and guide them to victory on the virtual court. When you release a shot with perfect timing, the game rewards you with a green-colored shot meter. It’s the ultimate “nothing but net” moment and feels as good as it sounds.

For gamers “Green FN” is a kind of move that deserves instant replay. Combine this with the green shot, and you get “Green FN.” Now that’s synonymous with a perfect performance and a bit of bragging rights all rolled into one.

So there you have it – the explicit meaning of “Green FN” is a gamer’s expletive-laden cheer for a perfect shot, transformed into a catchphrase for any and all perfect moments worth celebrating. It’s as much for the basketball aficionados as it is for makeup gurus, fitness freaks, and even those who’ve just managed to keep a plant alive for more than a week.

Of course, not everyone is a fan of the TikTok slang. Some might argue that it’s exclusionary or that it’s just another example of young people trying too hard to be cool. And to be fair, there’s definitely an element of gatekeeping that comes with using certain terms or phrases – if you’re not in the know, it can be tough to keep up. A few years ago, most of us had never even heard of TikTok, let alone be aware of terms like “Green FN.” But now, these phrases are becoming a part of our everyday conversations, both online and off.