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Is there an ‘X-Men ’97’ season 2 release date?

We're all left wishing we could be warped into the future.

Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Rogue, and Polaris in Magneto's mind in X-Men 97
Screenshot via Marvel Animation/Disney Plus

Warning: Spoilers for X-Men ’97 ahead.

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The dust has settled, a mass extinction event has been averted, and all that’s left is for Beau DeMayo to take one of the biggest possible bows in Marvel Studios history; indeed, X-Men ’97 is a transcendental triumph in every way that matters.

Indeed, across just 10 half-hour episodes, X-Men ’97 has indulged in some of the most intelligent, intimate, devastating, and brilliantly-choreographed storytelling that Marvel Studios has ever platformed; between Magneto’s venomous monologues, a relentless commitment to X-Men‘s most timeless themes, and deceptively subversive fight scenes, the first season hasn’t missed a single beat.

And there’s so much more to look forward to; we know that seasons two and three are on the way, and if Marvel Animation can keep up this momentum despite the wildly unpopular, forced departure of DeMayo, we may have just witnessed the first chapter of superhero history in the making.

Speaking of chapters, when can we expect the next one?

Is there an X-Men ’97 season 2 release date?

Jean Grey and Cyclops in X-Men 97 finale
Screenshot via Marvel Animation/Disney Plus

Unfortunately, we don’t have any word on when season two could be rolling up to Disney Plus. But, luckily, those closing moments of the first season finale have given us far more than enough to speculate on until then, such as what the implications of Scott and Jean being flung to 3960 A.D. and encountering Mother Askani and a young Nathan Summers are. Further still is the question of what will come of the meeting between Rogue, Nightcrawler, Beast, Charles Xavier, and Magneto, and young En Sabah Nur (aka Apocalypse, an ancient, powerful, and very dangerous mutant), who the quintet have encountered in the year 3000 B.C. after being sent into the past.

And what will Forge, Bishop, Jubilee, Cable, and Sunspot do about the situation in the present? Might this be the dawn of a new generation of X-Men? After all, we know that Apocalypse (who has shown up in the present day per the post-credits scene) is scheming something in the wake of the Genosha incident, and where there’s Apocalypse, there should probably be an X-Factor team to counter him (and there just so happens to be a certain Warren Worthington III—an OG comics X-Factor member—still out there who has a score to settle with the tyrannical mutant, and who has been fated to join the X-ranks for some time now).

And, of course, the question that might have flown under all of our radars in all the mayhem; where did Morph, Storm, and Wolverine go?

X-Men ’97 is now streaming in full on Disney Plus.