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Is there a ‘The Precinct’ game release date?

GTA from the cops' perspective? Sign us up!

The Precinct
Image via PlayStation Store

Plenty of video games that let you commit crimes but ones where you get to play on the other side of the law are relatively rare, so when they do come along, it’s a big deal.

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Gamers have been eagerly awaiting the release of The Precinct since it was announced last year. The announcement trailer released on the official PlayStation YouTube channel has over 600,000 views and 14k likes. It’s easy to see why it’s so popular as the game looks to be a blend of old-school GTA gameplay with hints of L.A. Noire, and that’s not even mentioning the numerous film inspirations like Taxi Driver, Blue Brothers, and Lethal Weapon the game proudly wears on its sleeve.

Yesterday we were treated to a brand new gameplay trailer and in case you were wondering, yes, it still looks awesome. The clip gives fans an extended look at a day in the life of a copper on the beat in the fictional Averno City. Chasing criminals on foot, in a cruiser, and even in a chopper looks to be a ton of fun, and mechanics like being able to call in backup or check someone’s ID for a criminal record all add a level of detail that goes a long way to really making you feel like a cop doing their job.

The procedural generation as a way of adding an element of randomness to events is a great touch as well.

The new trailer has drummed up more excitement for the upcoming release but how long are we going to have to wait for this thing?

Do we have a release date for The Precinct?

All of this sounds pretty exciting right? I know you’re probably pretty eager to get your hands on the game and start playing, I know I am at least. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been any confirmation on when we can expect to see The Precinct drop. All we have to go on right now is the promise of a 2024 release, at least that’s what the Steam store page says.

Of course, the most recent trailer is promising as the game really does look to practically be in a finished state. That being said, it’s really hard to judge exactly how much longer the whole thing is going to take. We have seven months left of 2024 and we’re obviously assuming that nothing happens to delay the release, but at this point, it seems safe to guess that sometime towards the end of this year is likely.

So for now all we can do is sit and wait and hope that this game comes sooner rather than later.