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‘Don’t mess with Texas’: Man attends yoga class just to be a creep, but he gets his comeuppance when he ends up in the hospital

The audacity of this guy is unbelievable!

TheRobbyShow TikTok
Image via TikTok

If ever there was a good argument for the need for women-only spaces in today’s world it would be this story shared on TikTok involving a man, yoga, and a bunch of women banding together for a good reason.

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So let’s set the scene. We’re at a yoga studio in Texas, the group of women are ready to begin the session when a single man shows up. Now, obviously yoga is an activity for all genders to partake in, men have just as much a right to join a class as women do, etc. That’s not the issue here, the issue is that this guy didn’t partake in the class at all. 

The tale of the creep in the yoga studio

The story was recounted in a video posted by ‘TheRobbyShow’ on TikTok. According to him, the man simply stood at the back of the class watching the women as they tried to ignore him. But that’s not all he did, he was also taking pictures of the women like an utter creep.

When confronted and asked to leave he apparently argued that he had a right to be there as he had paid for his entry to the class. Regardless, he was at least asked to stop taking pictures. This is yet another example of a man generally being weird and inconsiderate of the women around him, something which is sadly a familiar sight in the world.

So, did he stop taking pictures? Like hell he did, five minutes later he snapped another photo. At this point, one of the women decided to take matters into their own hands, grabbing a 3lb weight and throwing it at his head.

Now, you may be wondering if there’s any truth to this story or not — the bio for TheRobbyShow specifies that there are fictional stories shared on his account, is this one fictional? It seems likely, but the fact that many didn’t question it proves that stuff like this is kind of the norm these days. People expect behavior like this, as one of the comments pointed out, “This is why we need more woman only spaces.” According to an article from Medium, women still face many challenges including harassment and misogyny, mostly in the workplace, but this kind of stuff isn’t uncommon in the real world.

To be fair, the guy in the story was warned — the woman who threw the weight did hint that physical harm may befall him if he continued to be a creep. Either way, it ends with him in hospital trying to press assault charges against the studio.

Conveniently, the cameras weren’t working, and according to all the witnesses, the guy tripped and hit his head on the weight rack. Furthermore, he had signed a waiver before joining the class absolving the studio of any responsibility for injuries. Put simply, he doesn’t have any hope in hell of getting the assault charges to stick, so the story has a happy ending. That’s why you don’t act like a creep and then try playing victim — as one comment put it, “he had it coming.”