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Prince William eliminates Prince Harry the only way he can but Royal’s ‘lost little boy’ is busy being ‘utterly mad’ at Meghan Markle for right reasons

Harry's got too much on his plate to really be bothered by Williams latest snub.

Prince William mad at Meghan Markle
Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Astrida Valigorsky/Getty Images

It’s Father’s Day, but despite this, the Royal family drama continues as Prince William’s social media post marking the day seemed to not-so-subtly throw shade at his younger brother.

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In a break from tradition, the prince shared a throwback photo of him and his father along with the caption, “Happy Father’s Day, Pa. W.” The post received tons of positive replies from supporters of the royal family, but the particular picture was chosen with meticulous care — it was clicked before Prince Harry was born, thus ensuring he isn’t in the photo. 

Have relations between the brothers really become so damaged that William won’t even acknowledge Harry anymore? It would appear so as even Father’s Day can’t bring the two together.

But Prince Harry is currently too busy to notice

Across the pond, in the U.S., Harry and Meghan continue to live a life of peace now that they are out of the Royal family, so it’s hard to say if he even noticed or cared that he had been left out of William’s Father’s Day post. Despite the constant analysis of their relationship from so-called “royal experts” the two seem pretty unbothered as they continue to do their own thing, which includes their recent cultural tour of Nigeria.

One royal expert referred to Harry as a “lost little boy” who has been overprotected by the royal family in the past. In an article from Express.co.uk, Tom Quinn gave his harsh opinions on the relationship dynamic between Meghan and Harry, asserting that Meghan pretty much leads the pair and Harry follows:

“For now, Harry loves the fact that Meghan gives him some of the backbone he always lacked, but her dominance in the relationship may not always be welcome.”

There’s a lot of speculation on the inner workings of these two’s relationship, but most of it just sounds ridiculous. How can you possibly come to a conclusion like that without even spending time observing them up close? It’s more like a stab in the dark unless you know them personally. 

To be honest, their relationship seems pretty stable, the two are very loving and supportive of each other. Recently, it’s been reported that Harry is “utterly mad” at his wife, no because of relationship woes, but because he is a loving partner who wants to see her soar and pick the things she gave up for him. He’s been reportedly trying to convince Markle to pick her acting career back up, as reported by Geo News.

“Of course, he’s encouraging her career as a philanthropist and budding politician but there’s also so much more out there for her in his opinion.”

Despite the apparent bitterness coming from the Royal family and their followers, Harry and Meghan seem to be doing better than ever and continue to be supportive of one another despite the chaos their past as senior royals continue to add to their lives.