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This passage from Fallopians 13:13 tells men exactly how much power they should have over a woman’s uterus

A Bible verse all our own.

Fallopians 13:13
Image via @JaneotN/X

The rights of American citizens are being challenged more every day. It becomes harder, week by week, to celebrate the freedoms this nation is supposedly built on when our Republican officials seem so set on stripping them away.

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The most infuriating right to be ripped away from half of the United States populace was lost in 2022 when the Supreme Court ruled that Americans no longer had a constitutional right to choose whether or not to have a child. As such, access to abortions has been slowly disappearing in states across the nation, trapping people with the ability to bear children in a nightmare situation where they have increasingly little control over their own bodies.

The nationwide outcry over this decision has stretched on for years, but with so many liberty-stomping MAGAs to contend with, our outrage means little. Our votes mean far more, and if we don’t show up this November, the overruling of Roe will be the least of our problems. For now, we’re dealing with the first drop in what could someday be a bucket of Handmaid’s Tale proportions, and if we don’t push back on the issue of abortion rights, it’ll be all the easier for them to rob us of our other liberties.

Childbearing people everywhere, along with their allies, have been doing just that for years now, even as they’re met with broad derision from far too many people in charge. They’ve tried every tactic in the book to make people actually listen, but the humorous approach mentioned below is easily my favorite. It’s not likely to alter plans for Project 2025 any time soon, but if the blowhards on the far right are going to lean on the Bible like it’s a legal document, why can’t we reference Fallopians 13:13?

Fallopians 13:13 may not be a real book from the Bible, but the phrase many people now associate with it sure sounds like it is, and it should be a necessary religious text for anyone who actually believes in the supposedly “god-given” rights outlined in this nation’s founding. It’s also a message far too many men need to hear as they work to worm their way into issues only people with uteruses deserve to have opinions on.

Gorgeously displayed on a sign and later shared to X, one such example of the perfect comeback to any male politician’s thoughts on abortion quickly stirred up conversation among abortion rights activists. Laying out a quote that could easily fit alongside any number of treasured verses, Fallopians 13:13 boldly proclaims that “he who hath not a uterus should shut the fucketh up.”

Truer words have ne’er been written. Truly, anyone who thinks they deserve an opinion on someone else’s body needs to taketh a step back, siteth the hell down, and bow thine oversized head to more knowledgable parties.

Several people were kind enough to add to the Biblical sentiment in the comments of X user @JaneotN’s shared image, with one proclaiming to “males who sit in judgment of women” that “thou head is ‘up and locked.’ Thy need for professional help is great. Extracteth thine head from thine anus and live in the light!”

It’s now considered “the best passage” by a bulk of commenters, many of whom are eagerly adding the phrase to their list of must-have T-shirt designs. If you are among them, never fear — Fallopians 13:13 has already made its way onto shirts, mugs, and stickers all over the web, ensuring that the sentiment will liveth on.