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‘Is this a red flag?’ Woman’s Hinge date tricks her into eating gross ‘seafood’ dish and then laughs in her face

Wait until you find out the gross truth behind what she actually ate.

@thediaryofrihanna on TikTok
Image via TikTok

Dating nowadays is tough — who knows what the person you’re meeting up with is hiding? There’s a lot riding on a first date, and you might not know what to think. This is the situation a woman by the name of Rihanna found herself in, so she turned to TikTok for some answers.

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Her video starts innocently enough; Rihanna explains that she matched with a guy on Hinge, and they met up for a nice evening of wining and dining. However, his behavior on the date set off a few red flags, and she claims it might even be a “dealbreaker” for her. So what could this guy have done on the first date to mess things up so bad?

Recounting the whole situation, all seemed to be going well as the guy seemed really nice, he arranged a date with her and picked the restaurant, certainly a good start. However, once the menu came out, things got a bit weird, as the guy got super excited over something called “rocky mountain oysters,” claiming he grew up eating them. 

After ordering them, Rihanna notes that the food looks nothing like oysters but tried them anyway, which led her date to start laughing at her. Rihanna’s confusion turned to discomfort as “he would not stop laughing at me, and I hate people laughing at me.”

What are rocky mountain oysters?

If you already know what rocky mountain oysters are, then you’ll know why the date was laughing so hard, but if you don’t, prepare to be disgusted, because this supposed seafood dish is actually not seafood at all; it’s the testicles of a bull. That’s right, Rihanna’s date tricked her into eating the testicles of an animal with her knowing. If laughing in her face was a red flag, then this is a whole other level of insanity. You know a bear would never trick a woman into eating testicles.

The comments were a mix of people breaking the awful news to her and those who had no idea what rocky mountain oysters were. Most came to the consensus that yes, this was definitely a red flag either way. Upon finding out the terrible truth, Rihanna made a follow-up video expressing her disgust at eating the food.

Her reaction is definitely pretty exaggerated and jokey, and her responses to comments definitely suggest that she’s in on the joke, which raises questions as to whether the whole thing really happened in the first place. My gut tells me the whole thing is a skit on Rihanna’s part. Regardless of whether it happened or not, she gave viewers a good chuckle with her story, and the fact that many who watched bought it goes to show how believable it is that a man would trick a woman in this way.