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The bar for Donald Trump is so low that Vivek Ramaswamy says he’s already won the first presidential debate for this preposterous reason

There's dumb, and then there's this guy.

Vivek Ramaswamy
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Just in case we needed more proof of the sorry state of our nation’s leaders, may I present Vivek Ramaswamy‘s hare-brained takeaway regarding the first presidential debate.

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We never expect sense to exit the mouths of our far-right leaders, and considering Ramaswamy isn’t even a political leader, he’s kept to an even lower standard. Despite that fact, he’s fighting to lower the bar even more, and if he gets his way, it’ll sink to depths unreachable by any but the most horrifically inept and uncaring politicians.

Politicians like Donald Trump, a man who’s managed to stir up such mindless loyalty that he need do nothing more than exist to elicit sycophantic support. This was reinforced recently by Trump clone Ramaswamy, who spoke with Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro on the upcoming debate.

The debate, which is to be hosted by CNN at the news agency’s headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, is already clearly in President Joe Biden’s favor. That’s largely due to his presence as a reasonable and intelligent — albeit old and occasionally out of touch — human being, and his actual grasp of the duties of the president. This is undeniably helped along by the fact that a reasonable — but notably left-leaning — news organization is set to host the event, with CNN staples Jake Tapper and Dana Bash tapped to moderate.

Due entirely to the fact that Trump will inarguably be out of his depth with a clearly more qualified opponent, paired with intelligent and focused moderators, the disgraced felon of a former president’s supporters are already making excuses for his inevitable loss. Or victory, if you believe Ramaswamy, a man that thinks all that’s required for a Trump victory is for the man to show up at all.

The reasoning behind Ramaswamy’s ridiculous assertion is based almost entirely on the bounds of the debate, which will not be held in front of a live audience, and — as noted above — will be moderated by people with brains, instead of glazed-over minions with no aims other than to make Trump look electable. This is enough, in Ramaswamy smarmy little brain, to declare that “Donald Trump has already won the debate” just by showing up.

Ramawamy went onto hilariously claim that Trump is somehow going to “unite” a country that he’s played a major part in dividing, proving once and for all that it doesn’t take a position in government to leach all intelligence from a conservative. They clearly vacuum out their grey matter before ever registering as a Republican, if only so they don’t have to think too hard about how their vote will affect the country.