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‘I would never speak to my mother ever again’: Woman’s family takes her car during her father’s burial, but not everyone thinks they’re in the wrong

All is not as it seems in this roller coaster of a story.

Ronniegregio on TikTok
Image via TikTok

TikTok loves family drama; the denizens of that app simply can’t get enough of it when it comes to familial tea. In many ways, it’s the new reality TV, and it’s easy to see why when you have stories like this playing out in real-time.

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In a viral video posted to the app, TikTok user Ronnie recorded herself standing over her father’s casket while off to the side, some police officers can be seen looking at what is apparently her car. You can also faintly see people inside the car. As Ronnie explains, “We’re mid burying my father and my mom, and my brother, and my sister are taking the car.” 

Obviously, it’s an incredibly upsetting situation for Ronnie who is likely dealing with the grief of losing her father. The caption has a hashtag that reads, “#thatswhyimadaddiesgirl” and it’s easy to sympathize with her here. After all, no matter what’s going on between the feuding family, why would someone choose to do this on this particular day? It seems somewhat spiteful and there are plenty of comments siding with Ronnie. One reads, “I would never speak to my mother again.” 

On the surface, the situation seems pretty black and white — the daughter is grieving and her family is being unnecessarily cruel right? It’s nothing new. Like I said, TikTok is filled with family drama. But there’s actually a whole lot more to the story, and several viewers are convinced that Ronnie is actually the one in the wrong here.

Another perspective

As it would so happen, Ronnie’s sister, Naomi, saw Ronnie’s video and responded to it on TikTok herself. In an almost 10-minute-long video, Naomi goes into detail about the abuse she and her family received from her sister’s boyfriend, Donovan, who she claims was an addict. The video gives you a pretty good idea of what the situation was between Ronnie and the rest of the family, as it seems that despite Naomi and her mother frequently helping Ronnie and Donovan out, they were being taken advantage of. Donovan also supposedly threatened the lives of Naomi, her child, and her mother.

As for the car, apparently, the mother had given it to Ronnie for free, and after Ronnie told her she no longer wanted it, she sold it back to her mom even though she hadn’t paid for it in the first place. When they found out that Donovan would be taking the car to New York “where he just said he was going to harm my daughter” the decision was made to call the police, especially as the car should belong to the mother now, seeing as she had paid for it. The only place they knew the car would be was at the burial, leaving them no choice but to seize the opportunity.

What do the viewers think?

Naomi has more videos showing the state of the car and elaborating on her story, and it seems to check out. Most recently, she posted a video with receipts that definitely backed up her side of the events. Meanwhile, Ronnie has also responded, but viewers aren’t buying it. “People should watch her sister’s storytime it’s a lot more believable,” one commenter says, while another called out Ronnie for staying with Donovan, “Your baby dad is threatening to murder your niece and you don’t care. Says a lot about you. Hopefully your children stay safe from yall.”

It’s obviously a very messy situation and maybe one that shouldn’t have played out on TikTok. Furthermore, the only people who know the true, unvarnished story are Ronnie, Naomi, and the family. Regardless, we can only hope the family is able to get the help they need to get their lives back on track.