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‘Make it a divorce moon’: New bride preps to enjoy her honeymoon alone after her hubby ditches her for his little sister

Good for her.

Screengrabs via TikTok

The funny thing about life is that, sometimes, it hands you an undiluted miracle on the shiniest, most diamond-encrusted platter beyond your wildest dreams. But even then, it can still take you a little while to notice if you’re preoccupied with the smell of the dumpster in front of you.

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This precise scenario just went down for TikTok‘s @kels.


Do you think she was being selfish? #storytime #honeymoon #husband Credit: @kels

♬ original sound – fournine

What happened according to Kels; her (probably soon to be ex) husband has always been incredibly close to his younger sister, regularly prioritizing her needs above anyone else’s, despite said sister having a husband of her own that she can lean on for said needs. The sister went into labor during Kels’ and her husband’s wedding reception; not the sister’s fault, of course, but they ended the reception early so they could all go to the hospital. Their honeymoon is coming up, husband says they can’t go anymore because they both need to help his sister take care of the new baby, Kels said no, husband says she’s being selfish and that she needs to be here in case the family needs her. Kels decides to go on her honeymoon alone, husband threatens divorce, Kels says “go for it” (paraphrased), but now she’s having second thoughts and is seeking the counsel of strangers on the internet.

What actually happened; Kels is about to spend a week in Greece (maybe with a bestie if she so chooses), and she’s probably not going to be legally tied down to a pack of narcissists when she gets home. Some women can have it all!

In all seriousness, the way Kels is speaking about her husband and family suggests that there’s a lot of contempt in play here, and it’s entirely possible that the wedding only happened because that’s what people are “supposed” to do. According to Marriage.com, one of the major reasons for marriage is “social recognition,” so that a couple will be perceived as more established and committed. In other words, marriage makes other people more comfortable.

But hey, I don’t know your life, Kels; what I do know is that you have (or, judging by the date this was posted, are having or have had) the opportunity to soak in the Mediterranean sun with all the gyros and Acropolis access that the modern American woman could ever need. You will, presumably, not get an opportunity like this again any time soon, and it’s similarly not every day that you dodge a whole clip of bullets with one divorce. So, own the moment with all the tenacity you can muster.