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‘What a blessing’: Mom got into car crash when she was 18 that paralyzed her forehead, and now she’ll never have wrinkles

Disclaimer: Don't actually try this at home.

‘What a Blessing’: Mom Got Into Car Crash When She Was 18 That Paralyzed Her Forehead, and Now She’ll Never Have Wrinkles
Image via TikTok (@jeniofalltrades)

Consider those tiny blessings in disguise that life throws our way. Like finding a crisp $20 bill in your winter coat pocket from last season (hello, impromptu coffee date!), or waking up to the glorious silence of your annoying neighbor’s moving truck pulling away. But sometimes, the universe works in mysterious ways, and a blessing can come in the most unexpected form — like, say, a car crash that leaves you with the fountain of youth. Wait, what?

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In a video that’s been making the rounds on TikTok, Jeni (@jeniofalltrades) shared a poignant yet unexpectedly uplifting aspect of her mother’s life. When her mom was only 18, she experienced a car accident that resulted in the paralysis of her forehead. While any accident is a serious and often traumatic event, this particular incident carried with it a silver lining that unfolded over the years. The paralysis prevented the formation of wrinkles on her forehead, giving her a seemingly ageless visage.

Jeni’s mom’s paralyzed forehead has essentially given her a permanent dose of Botox. No needles, no clinics, and certainly no bi-monthly appointments with a cosmetic surgeon. If that’s not a backhanded blessing, I don’t know what is. In her video, Jeni marveled at her mom’s ageless appearance, lamenting that despite being a “genetic clone,” she’ll never be able to keep up with her mom’s eternally youthful looks.

The video quickly went viral, with TikTok users flooding the comments section with their reactions. Some couldn’t help but notice the striking resemblance between Jeni’s mom and Maggie Baird, the mother of pop sensation Billie Eilish. Many even pointed out how Jeni’s mom does seem to radiate a certain gentle kindness. And then others wondered whether this “permanent Botox” could be achieved through medical intervention. 

Sorry to disappoint, but while cosmetic procedures are plentiful, replicating the exact effects of an accident (without the accident) is probably not on your local plastic surgeon’s menu. And honestly, chasing after trucks to replicate the incident sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen, and a terrible idea. Please don’t.

Of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that there are plenty of ways to achieve healthy, youthful-looking skin without Botox. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends a daily skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting your skin from the sun. It also suggests maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and getting plenty of sleep. While wrinkle-free skin might be nice, it’s not everything. If you happen to have a few wrinkles, laugh lines, and crow’s feet, well, that’s just proof that you’ve lived!