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‘I’ve been drunk but never THIS drunk’: Woman lives out the plot of ‘The Hangover’ when she wakes up to find she got face tattoos

There's bad decisions, and then there's this decision.

Bad tattoos TikTok
Image via @shiesty.nelly/TikTok

We’ve all made some drunken mistakes in our lives, but most of us are lucky enough to avoid any major consequences from our inebriated shenanigans.

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Not everyone is so fortunate, however, as TikTok user @shiesty.nelly was quick to point out. She took to the app to share a lesson in thinking before you act, after her own drunken antics landed her with permanent marks of her lapse in judgement.

The resulting video landed @shiesty.nelly on the TikTok map, pulling in hundreds of thousands of likes and several thousand comments from baffled users. All in response to a 10-second video in which the unfortunate TikToker flashes a look at the result of her intoxicated spontaneity, which landed her with two fresh face tattoos.

Not all face tattoos are bad tattoos. As a person with a tattoo on the side of my head I may be a bit biased here, but there’s a way to select ink that doesn’t make you look like a back alley attack led to your body art. Unfortunately, that’s the look that @shiesty.nelly ended up with, after a botched tattoo job — or perhaps a singularly terrible design — landed her with a set of permanent patterns that will stand as testament to her bad decisions for decades.

The first of these really isn’t that bad. It’s not great, but the simple “513” inked onto the side of @shiesty.nelly’s face is innocuous, and vague enough to prompt more questions than judgement. It’s unclear what the tattoo is referencing, but area code tattoos aren’t uncommon, and there’s a solid chance that @shiesty.nelly comes from the region of Ohio in which the area code is frequently found.

It’s the second tattoo that really drives home @shiesty.nelly’s bad decision-making. This one is curved along the top portion of the TikToker’s left eyebrow, and pretty clearly was intended to read “heartless.” Someone — whether it be the tattoo artist or @shiesty.nelly herself — didn’t quite get the memo, unfortunately, and now the young content creator has “heatless” permanently etched onto the most visible portion of her face.

That’s got to hurt. It’s certainly not helped along by the brutal comments shared by TikTok viewers, who were quick to lend their opinions to @shiesty.nelly’s unfortunate situation. Quite a few people asserted that, while they’ve certainly been drunk before, they’d never reached “heatless” levels of intoxication, while others wondered after the tattoo artist who was willing to work on someone so clearly incapable of making good decisions.

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding it, @shiesty.nelly is now stuck with the consequences of her bad decisions. She’s also not alone — while it’s not overly common for tattoo clients to get inked up while inebriated, drunken tattoos are far from unheard of. The risks of getting body art while under the influence go far beyond bad decisions like @shiesty.nelly’s, and include a risk of excessive bleeding, due to thinned blood, decreased clotting ability for the same reason, and as a result a potential decrease in tattoo quality.

That’s all on top of the impaired judgement, something @shiesty.nelly was inarguably suffering from when she sat down in that tattoo artist’s chair. It’s a little late for her now — both tattoos are nice and healed up, spelling errors and all — but it’s not too late for the rest of us. Don’t be like @shiesty.nelly, folks. Think before you drink and ink.