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‘Those people just sucked’: College kid loses an entire friendship group just because he brought something weird to a party

This is perhaps the one and only true test of friendship.

Cinnamon bread in college party
Screengrab via TikTok/@drewmuxlow

College parties are a hellscape for the socially anxious, and stories like this don’t make it any better.

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TikTok user Drew Muxlow thought he would shake things up by bringing something a bit more exciting than beer to his biology lab party — namely, cinnamon bread. Drew, not content with simply presenting the king of all bread to this shindig, proved to have another ace up his sleeve — this cinnamon bread was homemade in his new bread maker. What a stone-cold legend.

Things took a turn for the weird, though, when Drew arrived at the party with his gift from the gods. Instead of being greeted with adulation ordinarily reserved for Pulitzer Prize winners or someone who has rescued kittens from a house fire, Drew was met with, well, rudeness.

He describes the interaction, saying that the party host looked at the bread like Drew was “holding a naked corpse,” saying, “What is that?” Later in the party several other people, spotting the offending loaf on the side, sneeringly asked who brought it with them.

People in the comments were quick to side with Drew. @urban_matt said, “Every party I’ve been to would’ve had people cheering if you walked in with cinnamon bread. Those people just sucked”. User @krispiesttoast found the situation an example of “what my anxiety tells me will happen if I do literally anything ever”.

If you go to college, it can be a place where lifelong friendships are forged. Not only do you learn about your chosen subject, you learn more about yourself, and the world in which you live. Drew learned a valuable lesson, fast — anyone who isn’t overjoyed at the surprise appearance of cinnamon bread is not worthy of your friendship.

Drew rightly decided to shun the other partygoers forever more, which is good news for the rest of us because he is definitely on the VIP guest list for any future party of mine.